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Position:Home>Philosophy> Who REALLY thinks the world is going to end in 2012?

Question: Who REALLY thinks the world is going to end in 2012!?
i've been hearing this my whole life and i don't really know what to think!. someone told me (i don't believe this) but that in the bible it's written in Arabic that we're going to have these natural disasters, run out of fuel and all kinds of stuff!.

number one: how did the people who wrote the bible all those thousands of years ago know we would have fuel!?! they didnt even know what fuel was!
well, anyways, this whole december 21, 2012 crap seems kind of superstitious and ridiculous!. i mean seriously!.!. everyone was trippin out on 6-6-06 but nothing happenedd!.
so basically, what are your thoughts on this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I for one!. Don't think that the The World is going to End in 2012!.
Now, I'm not sure, but I've heard that back in 1975 a lot of people (especially the ones in religion Christianity I think it was I'm not sure which religion it was, but it was some religion,) were saying that the World was going to End in 1975!.
But Hello, 33 years later which is right now 2008 & we're still here!. The world didn't end in 1975!.

So yeah, I doubt that the World is going to to End in 2012!.
Now what's more likely to happen in 2012, is a Worldwide Pandemic of the H5N1 Virus!.
After all, it's mutating now as we speak!.
Because at first in 2003 it was only birds, then pigs, then Cats, & now Dogs too!.
In fact According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the H5N1 Virus is now in stage 3 of a pandemic out of the 6 stages of a pandemic!.
I just hope that there won't be a worldwide pandemic of the H5N1 Virus!. Because It would take millions of lives worldwide!. Maybe even my life as well!.
But then again I'm not the one who can promise that there won't be a pandemic, I can only hope that there won't be one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one with at least half a brain thinks that!. If youre willing to believe hearsay then you are willing to believe stereotype and prejudices!. If you put faith in a relatively recent myth, why not in the Christian theology that debunks it!? The fanatics who think something bad will happen are probably the same people who would cause some crap to happen!.!.!.

You wanna know the facts about the 2012 myth!? Its a recent myth!.!.!. just to let you know!.!.!. it was made up late last century

The Mayans never said anything about 2012!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it wasn't really about the bible
the mayans had a calendar that ended on that day!.!.!.and everything else on the calendar that was predicted happened!.!.so people think the world will end

also i heard that the sun and planets are supposed to align
and cause major climate changes that could kill us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just because the person die before he finish the Mayan calendar, doesn't means that the world will end at 2012!.

"Worry is the debt you pay for an event that never happen!."

If you are worry, I will give you my 2013 to 9999 calendars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Phf, everyone knows the world already ended in the year 2000 >!.> gees your so uninformedWww@QuestionHome@Com

The world IS going to end!. Might as well drop out of school now, quite your jobs and start living life while you have a few years left!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Trippin', yes, you pretty well nailed it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It better end soon, because I'm so tired of answering these stupid questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ther is no wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

check out zeitgeistmovie!.com rude awakininWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe anything will happen, but I'm going to wear a tin foil hat just for the hell of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ooo i'm so excited for that day!. gonna set of fireworks and freak out the neighbors :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

the gullible REALLY think the world is ending in 2012!. btw, the world has been ending ever since Nero was throwing the Christians to the lions, every turn of the century, Attila was the scourge of god, the black black was seen as the end, every passing of Haley's Comet, the 7th Day Adventists had their day in 1912, was well as Jim Jones and that wacko in Waco, and i'm sure i left out a hundred other world ending predictions!.

The Mayans ran out of space on their stone calendar and now many are freaking out!.!.!.i don't get it!. But anyway, here's more to add to the hysteria!.!.!.!.the Iranians are estimated to have an operational nuke by 2012, so far they've developed the enrichment process!. Now comes the engineering of the trigger mechanism and then the delivery device!.!.!.all major engineering feats!.

sleep tight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let me put it this way!. I ain't losin' no sleep over it!.

Let's face it, the likelihood is minuscule and even it was proven; what would you do about it!? Spend the next four plus years worrying about it!. Good grief, live your life!. Remember when it's over it's over and that's the bottom line!. Whether that day is tomorrow, Dec 21, 2012 or that date when the actuarial tables project your personal death!.

If you insist on worrying about something why not pick something you can have some effect on!. Perhaps a cure for cancer or my favorite a cure for diabetes and there is always world peace or faster than light travel!. In short pick your battles and look for one that you have some chance of effecting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com