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Position:Home>Philosophy> Just some thoughts , please?

Question: Just some thoughts , please!?
Fate First

I want:

Today to be different
To feel something new
Absorb positivism from my life
Heal the inner wounds in me
Share my soul without fear of shame
Help others see the beauty of life
Alter the course of someone’s future
Write thoughtfully without pain
My family to see me as me and love me
Balance on a dull edge for once
Act without needing to react
Control my destiny everyday I’m alive
Find the pure escape route
Close all the doors that hide hatred

I want the unexplainable events in life that alter my path to disappear and let me go forth unencumbered by the knowledge that no matter what I do there is a force that is always there to undo or overrule my efforts!.

Not going to happen!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First that springs to mind:

The 'force' that is always there to undo and over-rule your efforts is, in effect, you!.

You are the driver at the helm and steer your course through life making decisions as you go!.

Sometimes, it is only with hindsight that we understand events that were unexplainable at the time on our path to wherever it is we are going!.

Sometimes, rocks aren't meant to trip you up but to slow you down and stop you rushing headlong into things!. Sometimes, 'burdens' serve the same purpose!.

Today to be different:

Yes today is different
You have felt something new
You will receive something positive in your life today
The wounds will heal given time and patience
You have shared your soul without shame and there is nothing to fear
First truly see the beauty of life so that others may see it as you do
You are altering the course of someone's future - your own
You have written thoughtfully and pain is a worthy emotion as much as any other!. Express it so that you may understand yourself better!.

Try to see your family as they are and love them!.
Stop balancing, find some solid ground!.
Let life happen to you and destiny will follow without too much control being needed,
No escape route, just a lovely journey when you start to see the sun shine
Open the doors, give hatred a good old 'hand shake' then say 'Nice seeing you but I've got to be somewhere else!'

Anything Can Happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For the day to differ, so you must you
How can fate alter, if your thinking remains the same
Healing another cures one within !.!.!.
Free love is created from absolute faith and fidelity
One must acknowledge this, without fear of being compromised
Prior to the gaining of a free unencumbered love!.
Empowering other ones required faith and fidelity in oneself
And others follow by the self given example!.
When families wishes and expectations of you, become your hopes and
Aspirations as one, bring forth familial solidarity!.
Inspired living, determining ones mood, and needs
Is finding true freedom and free spiritedness!.
Preferable to the closing of door, is the breaking down
Of walls that that hold and place doors, then you are truly free!.!.

Prosperity of Love Peace Will always reign supreme !.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You choose how you respond to everything in your life!. I see you focusing your attention on wounds, fear and pain!. Wounds, fear and pain are what you are calling into your life!.

You are the only force there is in your life!. You choose everything in it!.
If you want your life to be different act differently!. What you are doing to yourself sounds like a drag!.

Start acting smart and successful!. You will be amazed at how different you will feel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com