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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you recognize ENVY in other people?

Question: How do you recognize ENVY in other people!?
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it's all in the eyes!. no I don't mean gouge them out with a spork and look at them with a magnifying glass!. Watch a person you suspect of envy closely, if you really care to know weather or not envy is contained within them!. The things they say, how they say it, the look on their face while they say it!. Usually it will be said in terms of a compliment towards you!. Be-warned, if you look to hard your search will end only in miss-trust!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You cant!. If you think someone feels a certain way without asking them then you are prejudice, forming opinion out of nothing!. You could go ahead and chose to think people are envious of you!.!.!. but really that is just you being arrogant and possibly projecting envy that you have onto others!. A lot of people think they can "read" people well!.!.!. but how many of them actually go ahead and ask to verify!? Anyone can rationalize other peoples behavior in any way that you want!.!.!. its called delusion!.!.!. backed by presumption, prejudice, stereotype and shear ignorance!.!.!. caused by negative feelings that you have toward yourself (envy in others that you project) or toward other people (arrogance for yourself)!. People act they way they do consistently because that is who they are and habit for them!.!.!. and consistency in the way they act cannot be taken as validation to your correct interpretation of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Envy is a terrible self destructive emotion, it hurts the person who is envious much more, then the person they envy!. Eyes are the windows of the soul, one can see negative emotions in a persons eyes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simple, You just do, you pick up the signs watch body Language, see and hear what people say, or how they speak, with certain tones in their voice, just like jealousy it can be quite easy to pick up, once you know, how to pick up on all the signs!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are they jealous of things you have, or of you!? Well then, what you are seeing is Envy!. The green eyed monster will have taken them over with Envy then!. OR, they could be changing into the Hulk!. RUN!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Body language, stares without a smile, looking you up and down, someone who constantly makes rude comments towards you for no reason on how you look!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To the extent it imparts shame--avoidance of eye contact, false grandstanding, obsessive grandiosity, loss of right-sized-ness (humility, congruence)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the eyes say everthing, then the body language!.Www@QuestionHome@Com