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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the Tree of Life and what does it do?

Question: What is the Tree of Life and what does it do!?
That being the tree of life in the garden of edenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Unlike the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, it was legitimate to eat from (explore) the Tree of Life!. The Tree of Life is essential to the Kabbalah and to the deeper study of the Tarot!. There are 10 sephira (spheres) on the Tree of Life!.
Each one represents one of the ancient planets!. At the bottom is # 10, the Earth, Malkah the Queen of Heaven!. At ( is Yesira, the Moon!. At 8 is Hod, the realm of Mercury!. At 7 is Netzach, the realm of fascination and mystery!. At 6 is Yesod, the Sun!. At 5 is Mars,Giburah, Strength!. At #4 is Jupiter,Chesed, Mercy!. At #3 is Saturn Binah!. At #2 we leave the planets and go into the galaxy as it were with Chokmah, Wisdom!. At the top is Kether, the Crown of Creation!. It's very interesting material!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The tree of life stands with its roots in the deepest channels of hell, its trunk the sustainer and upholder of the world, and its branches spring forth the highest realms of heaven!.

It stands magnificent and proud, propagated by the fruit cast forth into the world, enriching the earth with is dense nutrition, shading the mass from the harsh elements and inclement forces of nature!. Its formidable and silent power fills the sky and all space about!.

Its branches give shade and rest to the weary traveller, and from the same fall succulent, fragrant and glorious fruit!. It flowers in spring filling the skies with a rainbow of colours, soaking up the worlds mourn, purifying an emitting clear and brilliant air essential for the breath of life and the living!.

It spans the three universal realms and encompasses all things!. Contains all the secrets and truths of the universal world and its creation, and simply remains, standing, its presence a reassuring tranquillity!.

The Eternal Tree Of Life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is the tree whose fruit imparts immortality!. It made God and his cohorts fearful that man might partake of it and become as they after man had partaken of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil!. So he drove them from the Garden!. Thy God is a jealous God and a bit of an unjust one!. Supposedly gave man free will and then dings him when he exercises it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Tree of Life was said to have made you live forever if you drank it's sap!.
Watch this film - The Fountain - excellent film

it does nothing , just gloriously exist, giving us opportunity to figure out what and how to do!.!.!.and we are doing!.!.!.in a full scale, doing that much that our Giver already listed as endangered one!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com