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Position:Home>Philosophy> If someone were to ask you?

Question: If someone were to ask you!?
"Do you see perfection is someone else's flaws!?"

Would said persons 'flaws' actually be flaws if YOU perceive them as perfection, through your eyes!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They say one mans trash is another mans treasure!.!.!.but they always have something to say don't they!.!.!.I rather like imperfection, it has more realness to it!. If someone goes out and buys false teeth and they are all straight and perfect, it's obvious that they are fake!.!.!.their too perfect!.!.!.and when a beautiful girl puts a layer of makeup on to hide her so called imperfections!.!.!.well, to me it's kinda sad that she doesn't see her real beauty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you have a language issue!. You're using perfection (the opposite of something flawed; here we're taking flawless and perfect as interchangeable) to describe something flawed!. This is like having a square circle or a weightless weight!. What does a square circle look like!? Or a weightless weight or how heavy is it!? These are poetic ideas but philosphically nonsensical!.

You could counter this by saying, people say, "consistently inconsistent!." True!. But a better phrase is streaky, or just inconsistent!. Really what the phrase is trying to say is that this person's inconsistency has high frequency!. The phrase is just a cute construct!.

If somebody always acted in accord with his or her flaws, then we could say that that person acts perfectly in accord with his or her flaws, but that again is a separate issue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What means 'perfection'!? A Great White Shark as about as perfect a killing machine as exists, but is it 'perfect'!? Or only 'perfect' along some restricted set of measurements!?
As far as perception of perfection vs!. flaw, that's a matter of personal taste and discrimination!. Difficult at best to quantify and nearly impossible to predict!.
I guess it gets back to the statement that 'reality is perception' and, since that varies widely from person to person, you're not going to get any answers that aren't actually just personal opinions!.


I did not understand your question, sorry!. But: perfection !.!.!. I doubt one is totally perfect!. He/she won't be human!. I think everyone has his/her plus and his/her minus!. About flaws: maybe I consider a flaw what just doesn't suit me, what just isn't useful to me!. While, for the other person, is ok being that way, in his/her life!. Above all: another could be the mirror of what we are (his/her flaw is actually our flaw!)!. Or: we see the opposite of what we are (we say one is too much "expressif"!. And we consider it a flaw!. The fact is that we are too much "shy", and this is the problem we have to work on)!. Generally speaking: use the other as a positive or negative mirror of yourself!. Then, work on yourself (and just when you achieve perfection, go and "work on" others !.!.!.)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe perfection is in "full harmony", and harmony is measured according to human criteria!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe perfection is an opinion!. And can only be perfected some people's eyes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

perfection is a human construct, so sure, their flaws can be my perfectionWww@QuestionHome@Com

I can see perfection "as" someone elses flaw !Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't!. unless you expected it!. This question seems to be a really in dept question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes i can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.how simple! my answer is my choice!!.!.!.nuff said!