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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there any more than this?

Question: Is there any more than this!?
The human species as a whole has only three things in common: That is that every member of it was born, is human, and will eventually die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I think Gentzian makes a good point, although I disagree that with what she adds, as not all humans beings are not as a whole more aggressive than other species, new-born pelicans bleed their mother for food while some species of spider eat their mothers and the males they mate with!. Compare this to Buddhists etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, the human species in itself has much more in common as a whole!. For example, we are probably the most aggressive species on Earth!. No other has started wars on a regular basis, against all instincts of preservation!. Moreover, being born and eventually dying are not commonalities of the human species, but of all living organisms!. And it is a process rather than a characteristic!. Secondly, being human is not a common trait of the HUMAN species!. This is a logical error, finding the term that is defined in the definition (like saying: What defines a circle is the fact that it is a circle!)!.
Definitely there is more than "this"!. Like being able to use reason for example and its consequences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As any self respecting evolutionist will tell you, everything, (including the whole Universe and any other Universes out there) began with an accident, followed on by more and more accidents!. Everything that exists or did exist is due to these unexplained accidents that just so happened to happen in the correct order for for life on this planet to come into being!. My question is, Who synchronised the all watches for these accidents to have taken place in the succession which they did!. JB!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is all about pro creation, development and helping!. If you couldn't progress then you can't develop!. So help the human race move on, even a little, then you can look back and be happy about having achieved something!. So the key to the three ideas listed in your question is the richness of choice between the alpha and the omega!. Most of the choices are made for us and some of the choices fall into place, what I'm saying is to do with quality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think there is more to be born as human than merely a chance happening, a chance we took against countless odds, and out of countless possibilities, not only to be human but also to be a very special human each!. Life then is more than merely an accident, it is an act of a will that we chose to be what each of us is, and what we collectively are!.

We are all humans, but what is more about being a human!? I think this is pain enough to see that we all seek to develop in life, grow in our capacities and get better in our understanding!. There is certain intrigue for us in life that we can be better still, we can reach out to have more, to be more!. Without the processes of development and assurances that life is getting better in many ways we simply would not be what we are!. Then what is more to being human is our innate desire and passion to be better humans!.

Then finally the question of death: There is nothing in death that we might find interesting and that we are unable to find in life!. We even see death and enhancer of the quality and value of life!. Then how do we find life in death, or how do we get more out dying then merely being switched off, we dream of divine reality through the dark and sombre visions of death!. What is life beyond death make is believe in life, and make us do wondrously fantastic things for our selves and for the making at large!.

There is no limit to what more could be added to life if you come to think, imagine and belief!. Mind is wonderful reality that is never content with what it is let alone what it has!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes there is!. Your assessment is correct, however, there is very good reason to believe that this is not even life!. Life happens between times on planets!. The spirit realm is the life that we actually have, we are placed into this body for another purpose; probably to learn something!. I find it hard to comprehend, if we're here to learn something, and we're unaware of our true life (in the spirit realm) then how can we know what we are to learn!? Don't do suicide, that is most severely frowned upon in the spirit realm!. However, due to continued and wide-spread preachings that good people are 'rewarded' and that rich people aren't, at their demise, then I think that that should perhaps indicate that a life wasted chasing money is exactly that; a life wasted!. Where-as a life of contentment, contemplation and charity will see your soul progress in the spirit realm!. Which, apparently, is what we should all be seeking!.

Confused!? Find it hard to believe!? It has taken me decades of serious research to reach these conclusions, so don't just laugh them off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe there is any more than that!. Some may argue we're put on this planet to reproduce!. But there's nothing to say God exists and put us here in the first place!. We may here as a mistake, or just evolution!. Why are we better than animals!? Just because we have a higher intelligence!. But when you see the way man behaves sometimes, I doubt that too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

does it matter!?
and its better we dont know theres anymore than this!.!.!.
and just have our speculations and beliefs that make the world go round
and let evolution (and yin yang) do the rest!.!.!.!.
we are all sacrifices to the greater unknown
and long may it remain unknown tooWww@QuestionHome@Com

Look for less not more in terms of the human species!. There are a lot of things that link us but what is the most significant commonality that defines us!. Perhaps it is that we never stop seeking more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that goes beyond the human species!. it applies to everything!. everything that lives has two things in common!. 1!. they live and 2!. because they live they must die!. i think this applies to the universe as a whole!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what kind of question is this!?


It is also the experince that we go through!. I get where you are coming from!. also life is what we make of it!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i guess life can seem a bit pointless if you don't beleave theres anything more than just life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We all experience the worls but not in the same way as Robert Winston would have it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

selfish people are to blameWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think u got it but am nt sureWww@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think so!.!.!. i find life to be a bit pointless sometimes!.!.!. i mean!.!.why!? what is the point!.!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com