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Position:Home>Philosophy> I just don't understand it!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe i get a better chance in the phi

Question: I just don't understand it!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe i get a better chance in the philosophy section!.!?
no one could answer my question!?!?!? in language in polls,etc!.
i am looking for sophisticated words (general conversation, intellectual conversation, etc!.--being a non english native speaker, i can't seem to recognize which word is sophisticated which is not, just by looking in the dictionary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A "sophisticated" sentence is one that allows you to communicate more meaning using fewer words relative to a less "sophisticated" sentence!. For example:

less sophisticated: "John works quickly and enthusiastically on everything with which he is tasked!."

more sophisticated: "John always works with alacrity!."

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) has a fairly daunting (sophisticated) vocabulary section; check-out the attached linkWww@QuestionHome@Com

"Sophisticated" is perhaps not quite the word you're seeking :)

"Accurate," "clear," "true," and "precise" are more toward your goal of fluent communication, I believe!.

Would go with the graduate college board link!.

Suggest also some current American English writers: Martha Beck, "Expecting Adam;"
Mark Prophet, "The Path of the Higher Self;"
"Freakonomics," S!. Levitt;
Chi Cheng Huang, M!.D!., "When Invisible Children Sing!."

also of value: George Orwell's essay "Politics and the English Language," and C!. S!. Lewis' "The Great Divorce!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hehehe!. The answer is!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. Don't worry about it!. Very few people in the World know how to speak 'the Kings English' as it was meant to be spoken!. And even fewer understand any words which are terribly 'sophisticated'!. The average newspaper is written at a ten year olds reading comprehension level and television programs (with few exceptions) are even worse!.
Just be yourself and, if you want to throw in a few words from your native tongue, it will give you an air of sophistication!.
Or do what I do!. Stand in a party, flip your lighter, and mutter, "he!. hehe!. Igne! Igne!" There's nothing quite like doing Beavis and Butthead lines in Latin ?


Well, why don't you try watching some shows on t!.v!? Most of it is junk but I am sure if you take some time you can find a show that uses "proper" english!. Please don't repeat anything you hear in songs because that is bad English!. A lot of ppl here aren't native speakers but that is what makes this place great!. You should try teaching your friends some of YOUR native tongue!. Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

the original meaning of sophisticated is 'false'!.

Sophisticated now has come to mean a sense of being in with the 'in' crowd!.Having style - being stylish!. Having a patina of 'style'

Sophistication doesn't occur in words more in the manner that they are said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

On what subject!? Just random pedantic words and phrases, or specific to a certain context!?Www@QuestionHome@Com