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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do I feel like the world is about me, and it wants me to fail?

Question: Why do I feel like the world is about me, and it wants me to fail!?
Why do I feel like that!.

Because I can't take it anymore!. I give up!. I try fighting!. But I am losing big time in this battle!. I just want to give up!. I DONT WANT TO FIGHT ANYMORE!. I am sick of fighting!. I want my first kiss!. G-D it!. I am 23 years old!. I keep going through the same STUPID THING!. I HATE IT!. I HATE IT!. I Hate it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Get out from behind your computer screen and go live life a little!. You're 23! Listen, I'm 24, and I'll tell you something i've learned in life!.!.!. Good things DO NOT come to those that wait!. You need to be out doing what you love, not waiting for it to happen to you!. Good things come to those that pursue good things!.!.!. that's my motto!. You want your first kiss!.!.!. go out and get your first kiss!. Ultimately, you are responsible for you success and failure!. Blaming it on the world won't change it!.!.!. YOU have to change it!. I'll tell you something else!.!.!. there is always going to be some fight involved in life!.!.!. make peace with that fact!. Nothing ever happened for anyone who didn't get off their @ss and do it for themselves!. You're young, go out and live life a little!. Stretch yourself!. Do things you wouldn't normally do!. Make you life your own! It's the only one you've got!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The world IS about you!. But it is not AT you!. You must discover that life is not a battle if you quit fighting!. You are the enemy!. You are only fighting yourself!.

Get back to the basics of just living!. Keep to yourself and read a book!. It's a good way of taking your mind off the world!. Walk somewhere you don't usually walk, and see the things the you're missing!. After a while problems begin to drop off, or at least feel smaller!.

You use the Philosophy forum!. But your attitude, by what you said above, is not philosophical at all!. Make your attitude fit some form of philosophical thinking!. For me, it's rational selfishness!.

The world isn't against you because it does not have that ability!. There is no conspiricy among men to do you wrong, because not everyone knows you!.

You are working against yourself and you will have to find out why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The world is about you, at least to you!. You yourself is the one whos in control of your life!.

I am sorry if you are going through a hard time, but remember that there are ups and downs in our lives!. Quiting is for losers, plus, we never know if this is the only time we get to have a shot in life!. I do not know what you are fighting exactly, being specific would help!.(coming up with solutions, advice, etc!.) I also never had a first kiss thing, i am 16, i may be in my teenage years and am discovering girls but this whole 'first-kiss' thing seems so irrelevant!. Just wait for someone you like to come along!.(isnt that the whole point of this 'first-kiss' thing!?)

If i were you i would distract myself by doing things i like!. No matter how pathetic that is, if it makes you happy, its good!. Or find someone to talk to, people always feel better when they talk about things with their friends, family members, or even strangers etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The problem with the world today (myself included) is we put ourselves in the middle!. Everything that happens to and around us is about us!. We would be much happier and more satisfied if we put others in the middle and ourselves on the outside!. What can we do to make the world a better place even if it is just in our own small sphere of influence!. I can most assuredly understand your frustration but try to flip your view and I think you will see things differently!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What standards are you trying to achieve, and are they realistic!? You do not have enough control YET to mold your own goals and values and society, family, school have you in their grip but in time the road to true independence will appear!. It just takes resolve and faith!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My uncle owns a stripp club, would that help u out!. LOL!. Quitting is for suckers!.

Your just in a slump dude!. You'll snap out of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think those are challenges!.Www@QuestionHome@Com