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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is life worth living if you are prevented from living it?

Question: Is life worth living if you are prevented from living it!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you mean by a church or religion indoctrinating me from an early age into becoming an adult that I wouldn't have been had I been brought up free of their influences, then No it wouldn't be!.

If you mean living in a country taken over by a foreign power, say in England had the 1940 invasion succeeded!. No it wouldn't

If you mean living in a European country occupied by the USSR during the Cold War period!. No of course not, and they had to build a wall and minefields to keep them IN, remember!?

If you mean is life worth living if I am incapacitated to the point where I am being kept alive by a machine, in a coma, at great expense to my family in both financial and emotional terms, then NO it is not worth living!.

I guess what I am saying is that unless you have FREEDOM to live your life in a manner of your own choosing, then No, it is not worth the living!.

Which is why generations, including myself I am proud to say, have fought to maintain our freedom, from tyrants and bigots!. You cannot even enjoy your own family without freedom!.

I honestly believe the freedom is the most valuable personal asset anyone can own!. It is worth fighting for, with your life if you must!. Better dead than a slave!.

We only have one life that we can absolutely guarantee, and it is OURS to live!. If you are prevented from living it by whatever reason to the point where you consider it to be not worthwhile, then No!. It is worth the living but not on ANY terms!. It is conditional, at least in my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on what you mean!.

If by "prevented from living it" means you will not live at all, as in you will be aborted from your mother's womb, you really don't have much choice don't you!?

If by "prevented from living it" you mean "prevented from living the way you would have want to live it" then my answer is - Yes, I would still think life is worth living!. The mere fact that I was born is enough reason for me to believe that I was born for a purpose, and a mission!. And somebody and some people getting in the way of living my life the way I see fit would only motivate me further to pursue that which I was created to do!. also, external pressures may actually be good, would act as "fire" which could mold me into "gold"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are prevented from living it!.
The "FREEMASONS" (Not Free No Masons) rule Britannia and wan to rule the rest of the world!.
Like "Freemason" George Orwell wrote in his Instruction Manual "1984"!.
Create an unseen artificial enemy (Osama Bin Laden)!.
Create Fake Terrorist Attaks (9/11, Madrid, London)
And make it hard for the people (low wages high taxes inflation corruption}
Let them have "Fun " (Sex Drugs and Rock'n Roll)
But let them never have their own life!.

By the way: Life is an unexplained wonder and worth celebrating every day!.
The fact that we are made slaves by German "Freemasons" is not my Idea of life!.
That doesnt stop me from exploring myself and my abilities!.
My happyness is their death!.
Come on "Freemasons" choke to death!.
I life a beautiful life and nothing can stop me!.
Peace Love and Understanding to all of you!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only one who can prevent one from living life is ones self!.

Ones choices, even to ones own breath, lead to the actions and / or inactions that may be understood as the consequences of such!. This might be understood as ones karma!.

One can choose to live, regardless of the situation or circumstances!.
One only need sot realize what is the reality of all that is!.

May it be well with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is always worth living!. You could hit the lotto tomorrow and change your destiny!.

A lot of people are "prevented" from living life the way they choose to live!. The answer lies in what you are prepared to do to make life how YOU want it!. Maybe you want to run off to college far away and become a doctor!. Then find out your family doesn't want you to move that far away and put pressures on you to stay close to home!. Maybe it's the distance you really want!.

Maybe someone got married and had two kids!. One of them ponders "what if!?"!. What if they didn't get married and instead chose a different course in life!? Become a race car driver or a ballerina!? Many couples manage married life and two careers!. Are you prepared to make sacrifices in one area so you are happy in the other!?

What prevents you!? Society!? Friends!? Relatives!? Economics!? In the big scheme of life, any of them can be changed in a heartbeat!. You might spend your whole life appeasing someone only to have huge regrets once you are a senior citizen!. You cannot turn back the clock!. You absolutely must do what is the best for you, today!.

This is the planting season time!. Run out and buy a plant of any kind!. A flower, a tomato!. Plant it today!. In two months, look back at what you did!. See how huge it is!? See what you achieved!? That's you!. You can sit back like a pack of seeds just waiting for someone to do it for YOU, or you can take the initiative and go do it yourself and see the progress!.

You've heard the saying "Life is too short"!. Well, it is!. The second saying "you are only given one chance"!. That's wrong!. You may chose the wrong decision and yes, life goes on and you cannot recoup "that" time, but you can always change again until life meets your expectations until you are happy!.

So, yes, life is very much worth living!. Set your goals out in your mind and decide what you have to do to achieve them!. DO IT!.

By the way, as long as you are at the plant store, buy 12 tomato plants!. Let them all grow!. Pass the extra's you can't eat to some elderly neighbors!. That alone will teach you lessons later in life that you will never regret!. To not just worry about your life but think about helping others along the way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you have a dream, goal or ambition life is always worth it and I am sure that everyone has something that they'd like to do in life!. Therefore, they must do it!.

Like people say:

Life isn't about the breathes you take but the moments that take your breathe away!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely! Life is always worth living and no matter how bad things might look today, "Tomorrow is another day"!. Besides, no one can prevent you from living it unless you let them or are doing it to yourself!.!.!. Hope today is a great one for you!.!. : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just my opinion!. Yes, you are living it!. Our wishes are not always the best though!. Some things in life we need to be patient and things will change!. It might seem the pits at present but with time and effort on your part--things can change for the better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That depends!. If you mean, like, your parents keeping you away from the dext school dance or a party, then yes!. definately!. If you mean like, going to jail for life, well, I don't think so!. But that's a matter of opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one can prevent you from living your life except for yourself!. So if you are preventing yourself to live your life, it is not worth living!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is worth living cause I can't commit a suicide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, what would be the pointWww@QuestionHome@Com