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Position:Home>Philosophy> How to make rain go away? Like any good luck thing you know about, any mumbo jum

Question: How to make rain go away!? Like any good luck thing you know about, any mumbo jumboo!?
I am having my birthday party in 2 hours but its raining!. If it doesnt stop raining by that time it will be cancelled and not made up!. THis is an importantd ay to me!. Help!!! DO You know of any mumbo jumbo or good luck stuff that work to make rain go away!? Please answer quickly!. MY happiness and current socials tatus depends on it!. It is impossible to move the party inside!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Pray Hard for the rain to just hold off a little while!.
Do the rain dance backwards!.!?
put on swimsuits and act like you planned it that way !! Get water balloons and have fun!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're a fool absolutely! A Birthday party is a Party, that's all!. Let others, I mean the Guests, come or not----that's a different thing! Enjoy your DAY! [Please, do not blame RAIN after all! Rain is blessings to us!]Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Ireland when you don't want it to rain on your wedding day you hide the statue of the child of Prague in your garden!.!. dunno if it works for birthdays though!Www@QuestionHome@Com

get some polythene or plastic sheeting and make a covering as quickly as you can in case it keeps raining

We did this and had a great party anyway!. Good luck and don't get downWww@QuestionHome@Com

Why would you cancel because of rain!? Sorry but I live in Texas!.!.!.rain is a good thing!.!.!.play in the rain!.!.!.it could be the best party your piers ever experienced!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is no way to 'wish' rain away!. Welcome to the 21st centuryWww@QuestionHome@Com