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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe string theory and law of attraction is somehow connected?

Question: Do you believe string theory and law of attraction is somehow connected!?
I believe it is possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Everything is connected so I would say yes!.

As a scientist I have some concerns as to some of the claims made by the "What the Bleep" folks but on the whole my personal inclinations if not my experience leans towards agreeing with many of their more outlandish claims!.

On the whole I am a fan of their ideas, and feel that even if they are wrong they are worth believing for pragmatic reasons!. They certainly seem more credible than many other religious and scientific claims!.

I could say more but read my other answers or email me directly for more info, if interested!.

A similar thing I often note is the claim that if our self image is poor we will often subconsciously sabotage ourselves so we do not have to explore the unfamiliar world of success!.


As to the science my thesis is that personal decisions are behind everything that happens and thus the vibrations of strings might equate to a mood or desire expresses at the sub sub atomic levels!. String theory at the Plank level breaks down further at the Quantum bit level to pure information!. But who is being informed and who is informing!?

My idea is that ultimately everything that is, is mental events and the world is a dream, or many dreams that overlap!.

If this is the case, what we imagine (or think) does influence the world we live in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

On this as with many things, I will put my Belief to one side and await the arrival of understanding!
Pure speculation concerning the speculation of others is fraught with danger!

Just to point out the difficulty and danger here!. Sting theory is still in the conceptual stage, and the law of attraction is only a concept in the minds of a few!

If one mixes such unclearly defined concepts, the result can be a very cloudy subject!
Though all thing are connect in some way, the paths are never as simple as many would make them, and by creating false mind images, we often step into dream land!

I imagine that you will say that this is off subject, but this is in fact the problem here, what is really the subject (without being to subjective to ones beliefs)!.

Be careful when asking about Belief!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some items along this line:

"The Field," Lynne McTaggart,
"The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet,
"The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr!. Olga Kharitidi,
"Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton,
"Light Is a Living Spirit," O!. M!. Aivanhov http://www!.prosveta!.com

'Law of Attraction'!? Do you mean the 'Law of Gravitation' perchance!?
If so, then yes!. There's an almost trivially obvious connection between heterotic string theory and the space-time curvature that we call 'gravity'!.
