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Position:Home>Philosophy> How is Reliabalism associated with Externalism, and how is Evidentialism associa

Question: How is Reliabalism associated with Externalism, and how is Evidentialism associated with Internalism!?
Reliabalism refers to the reliability of sense perception!.
Evidentialism is the possession of evidence!.
Internalism has something to do with introspective process!.

What is Externalism!?

Can how are they associated!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, I hope this isn't a homework assignment! Anyway, I'll try to answer as best as I can!.

Externalism is basically an epistemic thesis that says knowledge yielding conditions are essentially externals, i!.e!. not in the mind!.

Reliabism is the thesis that for something to count as knowledge, it had to be formed via a reliable knowledge yielding process!.

The problem, then, is that how could one know if an alleged reliable external process R is in fact reliable!? Most reliabilist think that S knows that p just in case p was formed via a reliable knowledge yielding process!.

- No 'reliabism' does not refer to 'the reliability of sense perception' per se!. Although, many reliabilist think that sense-perception is the mode by which we 'reliably' come to know such and such!. However, here is the problem

1!. I see that there is a red ball in front of me!.

Assume (1) is true!.

2!. 'seeing' is a reliable knowledge yielding process!.


C!. I know that I am seeing a red ball in front of me!.

The problem here is that (2) cannot be known via the sense or else we would be begging the question!.

So, one would need to still know something further about premise (2) without reference to their senses!.i!.e!. they would need to use something 'internal'!.

Most reliabilist hold, then, that while you can know that what you are seeing is what you are seeing, et cetera, but you cannot know that you have a reliable process by which you yielded that knowledge!.!.!.and this means as a reliabilist you do away with second-order knowledge (what is this: first-order knowning involves just seeing something and knowing it, whereas second-order involves knowing that you know it!. An internalist clearly has access to second-order knowledge and even third order and so on!)!.!.!.

Hope that helped a bit!

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I would assume that Externalism is the 'seeing' in 'seeing is believing' which Evidentialism uses as method to create Internalism which completes 'seeing is believing'!. Reliabalism is the level of faith in the 'seeing is believing'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com