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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's the point in this all?

Question: What's the point in this all!?
What's the point in our and every thing's existence!? Why are we here!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know this doesnt help but!.!.!.!.

Some people say that we're put here to fulfill a destiny that is unknown!. It takes time to find out our meaning!.

Thats really the only thing I can come up with!.!.Sorry!.

I have the same question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's the million dollar question! We all ask ourselves this question at some point in our life, and we just don't have the answer!.!.!.

so just try to make your life worthwhile, so just make sure you live your life as much as possible, while you are here, be good to others and yourself, be true to yourself, and you existence will have a sense!. Have dreams, try to achieve them, help others achieve their dreams, give to those in need, be a good citizen, etc!.!.!. give a sense to your life, if you don't know the reason we are here and exist, try to find why YOU exist, we all have something unique to bring to this world, so find your calling!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A very thoughtful question!. We are thoughtful creatures, aren't we!? The philosopher Descartes used that premise as the proof of our existence--cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I am!. Keep thinking, and you will keep existing!.

Asking "what is the meaning of life" is the question heralded as the paragon cliche!. However, we forget how profound this question is--mostly because most of us do not ask ourselves, expecting a serious answer!. Maybe because many of us cannot handle being mystified for a long period of time!. Possibly because some of us do not have the capacity for thinking at the abstract level!. But you, you are thinking!. You are being!. I think that is the first step to knowing!.

In my opinion--inexpert, humble, fumbling-- the meaning of existence is a person!. We are here for each other!. I am the meaning of existence to you, but not to myself!. You are the meaning of existence to me, but not to yourself!.
1!. If life constituted one person (me), would existence be so meaningful!? No, it would be void!.
2!. If life constituded one person (you), would existence be so meaningful!? No, for I do not exist, and therefore cannot assess its meaningfulness!. For you life would be void!.
3!. If life consituted you and me, would existence be so meaningful!? Yes, because the equation has changed, the possibilities have expanded exponentially!. There is an interaction; beyond existence, there is significance!. In the presence of each other, we are thinking more!. Does this mean we are being more!?

And that is just you and me!. How many people do you know!? How many people exist!? In other words, the point to everything in life, to existence!.!. is people!. Collective mankind: alive, dead, or both!. We are not born in a vacuum--another cliche phrase; but if we're asking cliches, lets respond in cliches!. The meaning of life is discovered when we realize we are not the center of it, when we transcend "ego, self, my, me, I!."

Thus according to my premises, when we are self-serving, we regress from significance!. When we are altruistic, we progress toward it!. Honestly, I have no clue what the point is to existence! But I like to wonder!. I find there's a distinction between existence and meaningful existence!. Descartes said "I think therefore I am!." What am I, then, if I think more vigorously!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

We were obviously conceived and born into this world for a reason, i know it sometimes feels like we have no purpose in life at certain stages in our life, but, there is a reason and purpose for all of us out there, we just have to find it!. We are here to live our life the best way we can no matter what life throws at us!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my point exactlyWww@QuestionHome@Com

i don't know but I don't like who ever is responsible for my existence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thank you, I'm still trying to find the answer myself!. I'll share with you once I can figure it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We were created to fellowship with God -- whether you think so or not!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who said there is one!? As humans we try to justify our existance, give it reason!. When in reality we are simply here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com