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Position:Home>Philosophy> I watched the movie pie, in it they said that before a computer breaks down it b

Question: I watched the movie pie, in it they said that before a computer breaks down it becomes aware of!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
its self, its own existance and becomes aware of what it is!.

is that in any way possible or true!?

and do you think that something like this maybe happens to people just before they die!? like maybe they see the meaning of life or find out why were here just before they pass on!?

thanks in advance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think it's possible regarding computers, but maybe for people!. Reports of near death experiences suggest something like this, as does the superstition (!?) about a person's whole life flashing before them in their last moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A computer isn't a thinking being, but I do believe that things have got feelings too so!.!.!. Technically it's not possible, but if you, like me, believe that things have feelings, then yes!.
I'm sorry, but I hate why people are asking for the meaning of life!. I've never really thought about it because I've always known!. God created us to protect this earth and our fellow human beings and animals!. The only thing we're meant to do and we screwed it up!. And if you don't believe in God(I mean, we have to give them a reason to otherwise they'll just nag), why are we here for a reason!? Evolution happened and our minds evolved!. That's why you're even thinking it!. We're not here for a reason! But, I don't know!. I think that things in your life become clear, or at least clearer when you pass on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think that since computers are at the root binary it will never be possible for them to be self aware!.

even if i'm way off base about that i don't think that a computer breaking down could be responsible for it being self aware!. there's just no reason that would be possible!.

I don't think that could be possible for human beings either, though they may be under that impression!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok so first off a computer can be aware of it's own existence because it does not think on it's own!.!. it is programed by letters and numbers and does not have a logical thinking mind!.!. and i do believe that before or when someone dies they do understand the "meaning of life" and probably why they were here as well!.!.!. as humans we often analyze our own existence to the point where we think we've got all these questions answered but i don't think we'll ever know the truth until after we pass on!.!. anyways!.!. i hope maybe you got something out of thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

20 yrs!. ago I became aware if my deprevity & confessed to God that only He could make me whole & now it's not I that live but that Jesus lives in me, I am [kazah al Adonai] & secured in Jesus!. I don't know how much longer I will live because God has given me the days of my life!. Peace!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

For anyone to become aware, they must become selfless!.
You don't have to die to achieve selflessness!.
Your greatest effort is not concerned with results!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

aha that's a fun idea!.!.!. someday I'll see that movie!.

For now, I'll just eat a piece of pie!.

I think people probably are hit with an amazing epiphany just as they are dying, yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree w/the first answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com