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Position:Home>Philosophy> I feel lost with my life; I have no goals, no plans, no desire to do anything?

Question: I feel lost with my life; I have no goals, no plans, no desire to do anything!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Spend a few years contemplating your navel!. Then move on to something else!. If you are not in the mood to DO anything, use your time BEING something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm sure things are tough but, you can over come!. First, start with a plan!. Be realistic!. Cover basics first and work up to "wants" later!. Everyone requires money so, first is job!. Consider walking or a bicycle to get to work!. Plus, you get the added benefit of exercise!. Attack each issue in this fashion!. Working hard for success will also build pride in yourself as a person!. Help others when you can!. also, find peace through worship!. The rest is cake!. I hope this helps!. Never give up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should think about what you wanted to become when you were little (if you did)!. Truthfully, you need to get off your behind and start doing something quick!. With today's demanding economy, I wouldn't be surprised of you ended up on the street!. I don't mean to judge you or anything but PEOPLE DON'T GET BY IN LIFE JUST SITTING DOING NOTHING!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

it appears you are lazy, and idiotic!. you should have your own thinking about your life and act accordingly to achieve your goals!. somebody can help for some time but nobody will help for ever waiting for others help and living parasitic leads brain t o criminal mentality hence fix your targets to settle in lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would have to answer the question with a question first!. What do you enjoy doing!? Has something happened in your life that "threw you off course"!? Do you feel that there are to many expectations placed on you by family/friends!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hope you find something that interests you soon!. I know I've felt lost with my life, and it's difficult times!.
Explore, snoop around, look for something that sparks your feelings!. Let that be your first step!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

get a therapist and try and anti-depressant!.!.!.!.
your making it sound like you have NO options!.
well, no money means you need a job, rather you have fun doing it or not, its money and you can leave your middle-of-nowhere townWww@QuestionHome@Com

Find your bliss, we all have that one thing that would make us happy, from collecting stamps to organizing your own business!.

maybe your good in the arts!? just find your passion on one thing and it will followWww@QuestionHome@Com

I feel lost too, Chloe!. However, our dialogs have certainly given my heart a lift, so you are achieving something good!.

Have you considered social work or counseling!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

you have the solution for your problem!.!.!.

Because I know what I'm!.!.

I think you are the same as I am!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thers always a way out of everything!. just gotta use ur brains!.

"a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step"Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmm!?very nice my dear!i really like to be at your situation!

you only feel like you are lost for the reason that you think others look down unto you but in fact it's a matter of self perspective!

"you don't need to have goals in order to win
you don't need to have plans in order to succeed

there is such word such as reckless(do without thinking)

you don't need to have desire in order to have something
you don't need to study in order to learn

there is word destiny(it's a matter of chance)

you don't neet to work in order to be happy
you don't need to be great to live and be contented

there is a word psychological(it's all in the mind)

so never think that you are down, you are just the only person who could make everything right! just try to sit and smell your armpit!smile!and think you have fun!

you can't answer problems if you only think of everything is problems!don't be bothered by such!being pessimistic is no help!what you need is to be senseless, try not to feel!

i know this would help you chloe!God bless and good day!mwah!hahahaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Tough question!. It is a hard place to be!.

But!. Here's a suggestion!. Take it with a pinch of salt (as you should with any other suggestion)!.

1!. Figure out what you like!. It may be watching tv, reading, writing, taking a walk, science, painting, talking, analyzing things-like politics, etc!., being with animals, people, blogging, etc!. -whatever-its your list!.

2!. Of the above, think what you miss the most (e!.g!., when you are not taking a walk, you miss it) or you would like to do most!.

3!. Perhaps the answer to 2 is what your desire lies in!. However, you need not think that since there is no future in a career in taking long walks (for example), your choice is useless!. See how you can translate it into a career (for example, if you like taking walks, maybe you would like a career in photography, tourism, parks, etc!.)!.

4!. With respect to financial resources, once you have your desire chartered, you will have the necessary motivation to both excel and convince the sponsors/schools!.

5!. Once again, take the advice with a grain of salt!. You are your best judge!. But the following nevertheless applies!. Make a beginning!. Take some time off for your self-your real self!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are acknowledging that you are lost, now start to find the way, search for truth, search for answers, they are the hardest thing to find!. I was there, it nearly destroyed my life, but I kept searching now I am finding things that lead me forward!. I still don't have superficial ideas or life goals!.!.!. I yeild to the current of life!. Just know that you will find your vision!. This is honestly a part of finding yourself, most people accept others' ideas as their own!. Like going to college to be a lawyer like mommy or an engineer like dad!. Or join the Air Force like Grandpa!. I chose to leave town drunk one day on a greyhoundbus, and I ended up in Key West!. I highly recommend going there and working in a wine bar or one a boat!. Don't go back to college unless you find a guiding light!. I am going to work in alternative energy, why!? Because I feel like it, no one else told me to, I want to!. I used to think about joining the Marines, but only because someone told me that I should!. Don't worry, you will be ok, just keep your head up, things will change if you start to change them, I would go hitchhiking and live life some more!. If you need a friend email me!. I will listen to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no jobs that you want!? then get one you don't want, you don't have to keep it!. just make enough to get out of town so you find a job you want!. you can always go back to school later!. most universities give discounts for their employees to go to school, some even let them go for free!. my boyfriend works nights as a janitor and goes to school during the day he only has to pay 10% tuition!. if that isn't your cup of tea then get a loan/ or a grant!. mine was enough to pay for classes and a used scooter!.
good luck, you'll figure something out, it might take a few years!. so while your trying to fine your place make some money and save as much as possible!. when you have some money saved up you have a lot more options!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would like you to find the mightiest of concave mirror!. Now go out and hold it up, stretching way up, well above your head and now back again holding it lateral before you!.

I do own that you will find simply billions like yourself!. Thus is yours a sound validity and nothing to trifle with!. Only, you, like so many of us, have not been accustomed to using the mirror!. Use it!. You, too, will find that those who appear to have resolved of that with which you apparently are plagued are more downtrodden than you!. They don't know theirs!. But you know yours!.

Be not dismayed, you are not alone!. You have plenty of company who echo you; exact replicas of your same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read what your saying to yourself!.!.!.

I am doing nothing!.!.!.!.

Well doing nothing is not a something, so start to do something, anything!. What was once your goals!?

No one that made something big of themselves had a college education!. The maker of the largest potato chip chain today- Frito-lay was not educated, and he didn't sign a 3 year lease for a building before trying to make potato chips!. He started--get that word---STARTED, to make potato chips in his kitchen, then moved it out to the garage when he needed more work space!.

It takes baby steps, not leaps and bounds to be creative, and being creative makes you famous later on!.

Have you ever read the headlines that said:
"Young mother gives birth to 17 year old teenager!?"
No you haven't, because that isn't how things work!.
You start out at the bottom of the ladder to proceed upward!. Jumping toward the center of the ladder will only cause you pain and frustration, very similar to what your experiencing now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com