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Question: Why do we bother!?
In watching human life and interaction, I have come to the conclusion that everything is a balance!. Or as someone I was talking to who put things into perspective said that everything in life is a bell curve!. From The most basic building blocks of our lives, genetics, all the way to what we see in everyday life, meaning individual action and influence!.
Trying to control this bell curve is just pointless since every action has an equal and opposite reaction!. So if I push on the bell curve from one side (or try to control the mass 80% of people who just react to their surroundings, or the middle of the curve if you will) it eventulally pushes back at you!. The more that we sway towards evil and the faster, the faster that we sway back towards good!. This is going to sound crazy to alot and I realize this but murderers and pedifiles and rapists are a necessary part of this curve!. Pushing one way to stop these things eventually causes a push back and we end up with more, then less!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I'm an instructor at a city college!. We deal with grade curves constantly, and there is always a curve!. I agree with you that idea translates into larger structures!. But at school we are always trying to lift that curve!. You can achieve a curve that starts at 70% competency and moves to 100% compentency, rather than settling for one where the low end of the curve is at 40%!. Translating that, if we strive to rid the world of pedophiles and rapists, maybe, at the other end of the curve, we'll have fewer genocidal maniacs wanting to cleanse the world of sin!. Maybe!. Even if not, you still have your life to lead!. As another user points out, while trying to stop pedophilia may be useless, trying to stop one pedophile from attacking your child is not!. Some environmentalists see nature as a balance, as a harmonious whole, and so it is!. But on a small level it is still Tennyson's "nature, red of tooth and claw!." You'll have preditors crunching up prey and, if not, you'll have whole populations starving to death!. Detached, we can see that the wolf is as necessary as the rabbit for the entire system to work!. But even if I'm a rabbit who has managed to figure that out, I'm still going to try my damndest not to be the one who gets crunched!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i say we keep pushing to the limits


to satisfy our need, old tricks wont work no more!.!.!.things change we are evolvingWww@QuestionHome@Com

You should write a book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with dr!. goldfish!. your smart!. write a book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When working in my garden I notice that when I want a plant to go one way, it resists and goes the other way!. Still, I find ways to get it to react the way I want for the betterment of the asthetics of the garden!. Those that bother are the superior beings always trying to improve, tweek, and make things better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I disagree!.

If I see a rapist about to rape a little girl, I don't think its pointless to try to stop this person!. If I have a child, who perhaps is about to stab someone with a knife, I don't think its pointless to try stop this child!. It's called caring for both the victim and the predator because they are both a part of the whole!. It's actually love which holds this world in balance!. If evil was permitted like you suggest then all chaos would break loose!. Even our biology bodies shows signs of "love for the whole" effort (our immune system) to try to keep it in balance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm more of a scatter plot kind of guy myself so the bell curve model looses some of the 'OMG that's it' meaning, I guess!. But why!? Let me quote a Bobby Kennedy, "Some people see things as they are and ask, why!? I see things as they could be and ask, why not!?' That is not exact but close!.
But, two people can witness the same event and when asked what they saw describe two events that may or may not be similar!. I see progress (women's rights, civil rights, democracy, etc) that tend to defy the bell curve analogy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This universe is governed by specific laws, the most powerful of which is the law of attraction!. Everything is made up of energy, which is constantly moving in, out, and through form!. Our thoughts are also energy!. Whenever we think about something, we are putting out that energy, and the law of attraction immediately meets that energy!. For instance, there is constantly some "war" on something going on!. War against drugs, terrorism, poverty, etc!.!.!. When we are thinking about how much we don't want those things, the energy we are putting in to thinking about them actually attracts more of it!. If we instead think about health, peace, and abundance, we will attract those things!. Mother Theresa of Calcutta perfectly understood this concept when she said, "I'll never go to a war protest, but if there's a peace rally, invite me"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Reality doesn't function like a Newtonian mechanism except behing the wrinled brow of excessive cogitation with not enough experimentation!. The bell curve is an expression of statistical distribution of a single characteristic when you have a large sample!. It's a graph, not a thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com