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Position:Home>Philosophy> What motivates a person to become a Philosopher?

Question: What motivates a person to become a Philosopher!?
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My natural inclination toward thinking, questioning, and introspection inevitably lead me to study Philosophy and it is something I continue with, and don't see myself ever giving it up (regardless of whether I can or will ever find "the answers" - if there are even any to be found)!.
The best answer I have to your question is that, although I believe everyone is "equal" in that we are all human beings and in that regard no different from each other (so please don't get the wrong impression), we really are actually different within!. In this respect I mean that some people just have the inclinations (perhaps its genetic) to philosophize and some don't!. I've met more people in my life who could not care less about philosophical inquiry; they go on and live their lives as "normal" the same as it's been for millions of years!.
Honestly, I might have to say that neither I nor anyone else really knows!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can not speak for all but I decided to "become a Philosopher" because of an epiphany some years ago!. This life-changing experience led me to search the Internet for philosophical issues!. I will always be grateful to the day I decided to answer whether god exists or not!. After hours of thinking, the most reasonable answer was that he did not exist!. My interest spread throughout all the branches of philosophy (except normative ethics), and I knew philosophy was to make my life meaningful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I was a child, I pondered the nature of things!. This led me to DRAFTING!. My first year of high school I took a philosophy course and had one of the greatest teachers I have ever had!. Ms Schwartz was brilliant, funny and never let you know what she actually believed in!. Within a week of the first semester, she gave each student a philosopher to study that was somehow PERFECT for that person!. She gave me Epicurus, who is still my favorite!. I want to know how she understood the world so well and where her mind would go on her own time, and inclination!.

I had very good teachers in college, and if it weren't for that unfortunate incident with the chairman of the department's class (he couldn't tell if my paper "The Importance of Primacy" was brilliant or a satire!. So he gave me an A if I promised to stop studying philosophy,) if it weren't for that unfortunate incident, I would have come out an unemployed philosopher instead of an unemployed drunkard!.

Philosophers think that the nature of existence is the most fascinating thing in the world!. Although some are really nerdy and just want to be logicians!. Come on, won't you join us!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing, as I am of the opinion that one does not become a Philosopher!. Until I get more light about this matter, I still think that a
Philosopher is born so!. Only exposure to the right environment as he or she grows up,
will kindle the flame that is dormant!. Now, lovers of Philosophy there are many, but that's not the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A philosopher is just another confused person like you and me we choose to be a philosopher because everyone got a answer on their view of point!. The choice of philosopher is what u hear and what u know comparing the 2 facts together will always cause u to have a answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

The love of wisdom!.

From Ancient Greek φιλοσοφ?α from φ?λο? (philos), “‘beloved’”) & σοφ?α (sophia), “‘wisdom’”)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For me it is the enjoyment of thinking and curiosity!.

I'm studying cognitive sciences and the philosophy of science!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that philosophers either are or are not from birth!.

so i guess i would say that their genes are responsible for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To contimplate, to think, to try to undersand mankind and other wonderful things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Questioning everything, and being more confused than before the questionsWww@QuestionHome@Com

A desire to get behind the curtain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they think very deeply!. Are you a philosopher!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lack of the intellectual capacity needed to be a scientist!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im not smart enough to be anything else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

an inquisitive nature, of which i share!. i long to find someone close who shares it thoWww@QuestionHome@Com


The high salary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


their own thoughts and bealifs that they cant prevent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com