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Position:Home>Philosophy> Has anyone discovered their purpose in life?

Question: Has anyone discovered their purpose in life!?
If so, what is it and how did you figure it out!? Why is this your purpose in life!? How old were you when you discovered this purpose!?
Please tell me about something that makes you unique and an individual not just being part of a religion or starting a family or something like thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is no purpose to a life until the individual establishes that purpose!. For that reason it is important to read and travel as extensively as you can!. During your reading and traveling, keep an open mind!. Don't assume that because something looks "bad" from your perspective, that it IS bad!. Ask questions!. Try things!. Look for people to admire!. Enjoy life as it comes!. At the end of each day, reflect for a moment on at least one thing that was pleasant about that dayl

And don't be concerned if your life's purpose doesn't reveal itself immediately!. Sometimes it comes slowly!. I was already in my mid-30s before I discovered my purpose in life is to provide good, affordable rental housing for people!. Not a very noble purpose some might think but my tenants like me and appreciate that my buildings are always safe, clean and well-maintained!. Even those that I have to kick out for breaking the rules sometimes come back and thank me for setting them straight!.

Enjoy your life!. The fact that you're thinking about your purpose suggests that you will certainly find it one day!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is to live and all that is entailed in doing so such as loving and being loved, helping and being helped,caring and being cared about, respecting others and being respected, causing happiness and being happy,Being humorous and laughing,learning and teaching from and to all ages,interacting with my world and those in it becouse God has made it and me for it and for me!. Learning and knowing Him truly and this is what I was made for but I can choose to miss out on it all and focus on the wrong things thus not having afulfilling life!.
I was a child when I first started to understand this and my understanding of it is still growing!.
What makes me unique is that I am the only one of me there is and no one could ever take my place in so much as a simple sentence said to a stranger or a long efforted interactment with someone who knows me well!. There is no one who will answer this question exactly as I have word for word or think as I am thinking as I do so unless I have aclone!. (If one shows up, i believe it would be a blessing to the world-atleast I hope it would!.) lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Nick,
I figured out at age 21 (20 yrs ago) what my purpose to life was and I have helped many people figure this out!. Most people look for the career, home, spouse just to name a few!. When I figured it out is was so simple, it was doing something everyday to help another person, seeing or making someone else happy and getting out of myself!. When I achieved this daily gratification everything else fell into place!. It wasn't my job, spouse, home or posessions, all these things do matter however we have to remember they are just things, and we all need one another for survival as well as happiness!. Fulfill your heart with love from yourself and give it away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I had a serious giggle when my wife told me to watch a tape she bought on line!.!.!.!.!. With the attitude of a jerk I sat down and watched it with her!.!.!.!. Didn't much like, but I confess it made me think!. and then it made me think harder about projecting desire!. And finally I was thinking about it all the time, but nothing positive was happening to me except; my attitude was changing! I started to think about positive projection and good things that could happen!. With out trying my brain started to visualize what I wanted in life, and yes they were material things!. At the same time I began to think about life in a spiritual aspect (know you didn't want to hear about religion, but this is the truth)!.
So here's the results: I believe in and follow the Secret, and supplement it with internal prayer (not sure I'm ready to reveal that I have a higher authority just yet)!. Adding those two ingredients to my existing personality seems to be leading me towards helping others!. And that help or assistance I am giving is making my life remarkably different, in a very good way!. Additionally, I am starting to get things I've always wanted!. Example: Bankrupt two years ago, and bought the house of our dreams two months ago!?!?!?!? I think my special purpose in life is making others feel and do better, which is changing my life!. Sorry if I made a short story long, but you asked and there wasn't a simple answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Satisfying my curiosity about the many things I'm curious about, and challenging myself by uncovering these mysteries!.

For years, music was everything to me!. But what means "everything" has changed three times!. At length, it hit me that it wasn't the thing itself that I was doing that was at the root of it, but rather the challenge each presented and the "questions" they "answered!."

Realizing it was a combination of doing what I wanted and introspection!. I guess I was 28, 29!.

I hope you find the patience and insight to find yours! Just keep living with mindfulness and it'll reveal itself!. And living mindfully is a dern good purpose in itself :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have!. I did it on the 31 of December 1991 when I immigrated to Israel for the rest of my life!. I didn't do it for being religious, which I am not!. I did it because I am Zionist,
and I used to dream about it since I was 20 years old!. Therefore, my purpose in life is to
live the rest of my life in my ancestors' homeland!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate to quote U2, but I still haven't found, well you know the rest!.

You must be young to think that starting a family isn't a unique process!. Frankly even religion is an existential tangle these days!.

PS: When the positive thinkers (like above) come to the door, run screaming if you value your soul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do not know what the meaning of my life is, i do not know why i am here!.

Simply being here just to procreate is not good enough!. Why do we grow old, i still think and feel like the young man i use to be, only my motor has let me down!.

"I believe there is happy and sad, and in life i want to have more happy times then sad"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe i have no purpose in life!. i think life should be easy!. if i do have some sort of purpose than its going to something real layback because im a person who doesn't need much or expect much of anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is no single purpose!. there are many many!. like for example, the purpose i buy clothes is to try to look attractive!. the purpose i play videogames is to have fun!.

"live" is way too broad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a Philosopher I am constantly amazed that this question is asked so often, no offense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't have a purpose!. I am an end in myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here to lead!.
It's all a balance!.
Religion is a farce!.Www@QuestionHome@Com