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Position:Home>Philosophy> Whats the difference between "forever"and"eternal"??

Question: Whats the difference between "forever"and"eternal"!?!?
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textbook definitions:
***Forever- for all future time; for always : she would love him forever!. ? a very long time (used hyperbolically) : it took forever to get a passport!. ? used in slogans of support after the name of something or someone : Elvis Forever! 2 continually : she was forever pushing her hair out of her eyes!.
***Eternal- adjective lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning : the secret of eternal youth | fear of eternal damnation!. ? (of truths, values, or questions) valid for all time; essentially unchanging : eternal truths of art and life!. ? informal seeming to last or persist forever, esp!. on account of being tedious or annoying : eternal nagging demands | she is an eternal optimist!. ? used to emphasize expressions of admiration, gratitude, or other feelings : to his eternal credit, he maintained his dignity throughout!. ? ( the Eternal) used to refer to an everlasting or universal spirit, as represented by God!. PHRASES the Eternal City a name for the city of Rome!. eternal triangle a relationship between three people, typically a couple and the lover of one of them, involving sexual rivalry!. DERIVATIVES eternality |?ēt?r?nalitē| noun eternalize |i?t?rnl?īz| verb eternally adverb eternalness noun ORIGIN late Middle English : via Old French from late Latin aeternalis, from Latin aeternus, from aevum ‘age!.’ THE RIGHT WORDThere are some things in life that seem to exist beyond the boundaries of time!. Endless is the most informal and has the broadest scope of all these adjectives!. It can mean without end in time (: an endless argument) or space ( | the endless universe), and it implies never stopping, or going on continuously as if in a circle ( | to consult an endless succession of doctors)!. Unending is a less formal word used to describe something that endures or has no end, and it can be used either in an approving sense (: unending devotion) or a disapproving one ( | unending conflict)!. Never-ending is a more emphatic term than unending; it, too, can be used in either a positive or a negative sense (: a never-ending delight; | a never-ending source of embarrassment)!.In contrast, interminable is almost always used in a disapproving or negative sense for something that lasts a long time (: interminable delays in construction)!. Everlasting refers to something that will continue to exist once it is created, while eternal implies that it has always existed and will continue to exist in the future!.

my definitions- to me, they're the same thing! Eternal just seems to carry a heavier meaning/way of saying it!. Hope that helps :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, if you wanted to, you could have them mean the same thing!. But i think the consensus is that forever's meaning depends on the context of what one is saying!. I can say that God has been around forever, which is to say that God is Eternal!. Or I can say "if i drink water from the fountain of youth, I will live forever!." This implying that I do have a beginning but will have no end!.

Of course the word Eternal has two possible meanings!. but i believe only one of them is viable!. You can be Eternal in the sense that God is eternal, that is he is atemporally eternal, meaning that God is not a being of time, thus He does not change, He is atemporal!. Or one can mean by eternal that a being is temporally eternal, that is this being has no beginning or end, but has been changing for all eternity (a grammatical problematic phrase to be sure)!.
I believe that it is logically impossible to have a temporally eternal being because intrinsic to be being temporal is the idea of being made or created by something else, therefore, no temporal being can have an existence that is eternal!. In short, a temporal eternal being is an oxymoron of sorts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Forever seems to refer to time and meaning that something will last a very long time or indefinitely in the time line!.

Eternal seems to imply existing outside of time, like the eternal moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't know of a difference
maybe one has a starting point and then goes on forever and the other has just always been eternal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

same as ZEPMAN and!.!.!.
both are BLUFFS (when in promises/wishes )Www@QuestionHome@Com

realism and religion!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com