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Position:Home>Philosophy> How can we emerge a winner in the game of life? If our greatest fall is in ourse

Question: How can we emerge a winner in the game of life!? If our greatest fall is in ourselves!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We fall because we are mare human beings, we are not perfect, and life has its ups and down, one's can try our very best, i mean give all of your mind, soul ,heart, spirit and strenght, just emerge into, that ocean, and let the keeper of the ocean, clean you up, guide your steps , fill your cup ,and order your ways, since this body mean well , but it is so weak, give it all you have got ,work it out from the inside out , look at your self in the mirror, and you will see you soul , take it one step at a time, build up your self esteem , do some thing different, some thing you have never done before, hug some one, tell some one you appreciated them , spend some time with a friend, or calle up one of your relatives, every one has a storm in life!. but it will pass, and when it, does you will see a rainbow, in the sky!. Don't worry be happy, God Bless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simply do something!. Something some others might appreciate!. It can be as simple as cleaning the house and getting recognition for it!. Or a bit of trainig to build a new, healthier you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By doing God's will we can overcome all obstacles to love and happiness!. The truth is written within us!. Always has been, and we have the ability to uncover it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Remember to get up everytime you fall, and always go forward never backward!. Learn from your experiences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes god put many obstacles on our way and troubles we have to handle with, but he always give us the strength to handle it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com