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Position:Home>Philosophy> Has anyone on Yahoo ever tried to make you feel threaten??/?

Question: Has anyone on Yahoo ever tried to make you feel threaten!?!?/!?
1)What would you do!?-- 2)Would you be afraid!?--3)What do you call people who hide while speaking boldly/prey on those seemingly weaker!?!?!?!?!?/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes, i was talked to in some sexual manner by some creepy perv!. I ended up contacting Y!A and i blocked the user!. I wasn't scared because i knew my uncle, a cop would be on the situation if it got really out of hand!. and the answer to #3, people with low self esteem so they need to torture other innocent helpless people in order to make them feel better, and that is just plain sad!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I call it bullying and that is easy to deal with first ask yourself do i know this person, if yes then ignore e one that is doing it you can answer but this will only make them feel better, so just simply say hello i have no idea why you are behaving in this way to me, but you are very silly and i will not listen to this i am above the level that you are at!. Remember that the bully may feel insecure and sadly has no other outlet, that aside this is no reason to behave like this to you but bulllies sometomes have favorites if you think this is the case then ignore totally,as it will probably carry on or you could stand up and say what i suggested,wait for the response if any and then ignore!.As for being scared then tell someone you trust that this is what is happening and let them deal with it also you can contact Yahoo and email them with the persons name or email ad and see what they will do for you i think they have an obligation to help, i htink this is correct check it out,and as to what do you call those that hide whilst behaving in a bold way a person who is scared,or someone with a problem that needs to adressed but ignore them!. hope that this has helped you ok take care and if worried then tell someone whom you trust!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I haven't!.
1 Report it to Yahoo!. I'd try to get a real person to chat with me or talk on the telephone about it!.
2 No!. People are all full of bluster on the net but generally won't do anything real once they get their last laugh!.
3 Trolls!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

3) Bullies
2) Not afraid - aware - and sad
1) Report to Yahoo!. Tell your parents, significant other!. Tell someone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, the first time on got on here I think I got someone suspended after they had something like 5,000 pts!. Then the guy made a new account with a very angry picture of himself as an avatar and was asking if anyone knew me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yahoo answers can be a very scary place, we just have to carry on regardlessWww@QuestionHome@Com