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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do u know about relaxation/ what r some meditation ideas?

Question: Do u know about relaxation/ what r some meditation ideas!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Meditation for Beginners," Dr!. Jack Kornfield!.
"Emotions," Marilyn Barrick, Ph!.D!.
"Man's Psychic Life: Elements and Structures," O!. M!. Aivanhov http://www!.prosveta!.com
"Kundalini West," Ann Ree Colton!.
1-800-525-LOVE http://www!.klove!.com 24/7 counseling line!.
On one's own, visualizing a bright, golden-white sphere of Light around self before sitting and contemplating a spiritual feeling, idea, or image, is one simple, 5-10 minute meditation procedure!. Revisualizing the sphere at the close of the meditation to seal the activity is also correct!.
http://www!.divinecosmos!.com also good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are many forms of meditation and some should be done supervised!. simple meditations are where you can breathe in and out slowly to calm and quiet the mind,and relax the body, breath in through the nose to the count of five and let it out through your mouth, do this for four or more times and you will feel yourself less tense be careful as you can go a little dizzy!.Imagine when you lie down that you are in a place where you like to be and think about it allow yourself to enjoy this place and stay there for a while,you will feel relaxed and calmer, and also if you ever feel stressed then imagine in your minds eye that this is where you are and you will feel relaxed!.There are many relaxation cds etc which you can listen too which combined with the five breath system should relax you and not make you feel very spacy etc, some meditations take a long time to master, and there are many of them seek out a yoga or tai chi place and they will help you also a very simple form is to sit and be still take time out just to sit and tune in to your body and what it tells you but to learn this you must sit as still as you can evenif it is only for five mins it is a start,There are many self help books and things lkie this to help you, but be careful not too take on too many keep it simple, you can say outloud or in your head I am calm and peaceful,and all is well with me or whatever mantra you choose, do hope that this has been some help,take care be well and be happy and peacefulWww@QuestionHome@Com

for me, i float up, above whatever place i'm sitting at!.

just imagine doing something that makes you happy, even if it's impossible!.

if you get tears in your eyes, it means you've gone deep!.

for specific books on different kinds of beneficial meditation, go to your local bookstore or library!.

also, you may want to set up a space!. I have a corner in my room with a bookshelf, a massaging pillow, a waterfall poster, and a desk fountain where i meditate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

FInd a quiet place where you feel most like yourself!.

Assume a comfortable sitting position on the floor!.

Keep your back straight!.

Place your hands, open and palms skyward, on your knees!.

Close your eyes!.

Clear your mind!. If you keep getting distracted, just think of a blank object, like a white wall or a deep blackness!.

Breathe deeply!. Feel yourself filling with cool air!. Don't forget to exhale!. Lightheadedness is not refreshing!.

You can think if you want to, about whatever you want!.

Don't allow the outside world to distract you!. At first you amy have to try hard to keep it blocked out, but after a while it will become habit!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Transcendental meditation!. Transcendental Meditation is a simple technique which gives a unique quality of rest to mind and body!. It allows stress and tiredness to be released in a natural way, resulting in greater energy, clarity and enjoyment of life!.


A good one is watching your breath with your eyes closed and sitting erect!. What you notice right away is that you start to control your breathing!. That's because breathing is voluntary and involuntary, and it's in between these two aspects of breathing that you are able to stop your mind and transcend it!. Don't try to control your thoughts either, just let them ride on by!.Www@QuestionHome@Com