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Position:Home>Philosophy> What will be after capitalism in your opinion?

Question: What will be after capitalism in your opinion!?
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Corporate fascism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am thinking anarchy!. Socialism is possible after that though I am sure it is not the right answer!. The perfect government however is a mix between socialism and Democracy!. The people should have the last say making democracy but after you reach a certain level of power or control, the government should treat you like a socialist government and take what you have that is so much more than you would need and give to the people who are on the worse side of the scale!. Businesses should be treated with socialism so that no one person or group of people can control and maintain control for any given amount of time!. If those who want socialism really wanted socialism then there wouldn't be people who are richer than they need to be!. What is funny is that most who want socialism want it for everyone else but them!. If it is going to be socialist it should be for everyone!. But it should be democratic to an extent to make sure that it remains a socialist state for those that it needs to be!. Basically limiting the amount of money, property or business that any one person can attain!. And keeping the playing field fair so that what is happening right now in our government is prevented!. We are not socialist or democratic right now!. We are oppressed while others dictate what happens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We have a "mixed economy," not one that is capitalist!. There were a few brief moments when capitalism shined brightly; but the 14th Amendment opened the door to a Nationalistic method of thinking, rather than the Federalist system the U!.S!. was founded on!.

A "mixed economy" is one in which capitalism is diminished, twisted, and made almost impossible to work as it ought!. It is "mixed" with collectivism!.

So we are already a long way from capitalism!. If you don't think so, listen to the limited-government Libertarians, and you will understand how they see capitalism!. A mixed economy is one that is artificially ruled by legislation, which always creates two or more problems for each one it seems to "fix!." Then, of course, those other problems must eventually be fixed!.

What comes after a "mixed economy" would be one that is strictly ruled by one or more bureau of economics and business!. Eventually, such bureaucracy would create the kind of world found in "Anthem!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Every type of government is time tested, and our form of constitutional democracy, or 'mixed economy' as Yaio has pointed out, that is currently extant in the US, is more stable than any other political system or economic arrangement!. I do believe, though that when we're through there will be a level playing field for individuals who want to be a part!.

So, the development of the technology of the Age of Information, begun as oral history, moved on to science and math with trade and barter, became the written word as afforded to civilization that produced the Gutenberg's movable type and all forms marked by the Age of Industry,
now moves the 'Invisible Hand' of Adam Smith!. And the learning curve becomes an expert slope for skiers!. That's a metaphor!. Sure, we move left of center every now and then!.
But your question is about economics!. Each form of government supports workable economics, and each economic foundation feeds us according to our needs!. For now it is capitalism!. But we are stretching to include everyone!. Simple capitalism works!. Information should not leave us out of bread!. We may end up with a chicken in every pot, and a PC for each of us to use, learn, and expand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't see Capitalism dying anytime soon!. Socialism had its time and failed!.

Next will be Capitalism on a grandeur scaleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Socialism, of course!. It is more human and better for people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Peace for ten thousand years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com