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Position:Home>Philosophy> Could you give it away?

Question: Could you give it away!?
If you came from a wealthy family but you found out years later that the reason you had money was because of blood money!. Would you have the strength to give it all away, and help those whom your family had hurt to gain that power in the first place!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would use it to do good!. Charities, anti-crime organizations out-reaches etc,Www@QuestionHome@Com

And who are the "ones" that your family has hurtin the past!?

Sounds like the Italian Mafia!.

In life, you actually have to step over people to succeed!.
It's true, I want to make money and be a successful male nurse in the state of California, but I have to compete with 800 other applicants!.

As for receiving blood money, I would use most of it to establish a relief organization or a charity fund, if possible, and instead of directly helping people that your family has harmed in the past!. Even if you "directly" help those people that you harmed or injured, they will feel that your pitying them in a way, and that your generosity is not from the heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Instead of giving it away why don't you use it to right any wrongs caused in the accruing of the said wealth, it is enterprise and preferable to offloading the sin onto others !.!.!.

And you will have redeemed your entire creed and clan in and brought peace unto your forefathers!. It is far nobler!.

Blessings and Success!. Be Wise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dude!.!.!.in todays life!.!.money is everything!. you eat because you have money to buy food!. you buy a house to keep yourself and your family secure!.!.!.so just think that if you give away all your money whether blood or clean!.!.!.!.from where you would be able to earn that much again in your life!?!?!?

I would say be practical and enjoy life!.!.!.


Those who spend all their time dwelling in the past soon discover that they have no future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would find out how much % is bloody !.And give away only that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, you are hypothetical about money!. Are you ready to accept an huge amount of blood money !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um!.!.!.!.no!. Are you drunk!? Maybe a sissy!? Reap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com