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Position:Home>Philosophy> You can do what you want to do in your life; Right?

Question: You can do what you want to do in your life; Right!?
Noone can tell you what to do!? This is one life!? Life it and have fun!? I do what makes me happy; Right!? God will be behind me!? Sigh, I can't trust!.!.!.Lol!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well, first of all, find something that you enjoy doing, that requires work!.
then build on it!. you'll get somewhere!. (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, always follow your heart - in my honest opinion if you love journalism, and you are sure you will excel in it, go for it; dont worry about the pay - Give your best and dont worry about the results, coz they are anyways out of your reach to ascertain them beforehand!.!. if you say become a lawyer, and a bad one in it, you will for sure get no great deal!.!.

Make Work your Worship - success, fame and richness, let them be just consequences!.!. Trust me they will take care of themselves

If you love writing so much, nothing must overpass that love, not even the craving for approval!.
That's right, you're craving approval and waiting for people to tell you what to do to please them!.
That's not something you should do! If you love something, DON'T set it free, FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!
Simple Things you might want to follow in your life;
-Always trust in the beauty of your dreams
-God will ALWAYS be at your side, no matter what!.
-Keep your heart open to life
-Love, dance, jump, sing, get inspired!

Not all journalist jobs are low-paying!. If you love writing, escalate your writing skills and one day, you'll have a job which you're great at and love doing!. After all, life's too short to do something you don't want!. It's your life after all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats true , but once you give your life to God , you are better off than before!. Your decisions are better!.Not that I know better than God , but I hope you will find the answers , in this way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can do whatever u want theoretically!.!.!.but there are social norms, laws and ways of life that need to be followed!.!.!.complete freedom is unachievable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not exactly!. do what you want but idealy we should be taking others into account as well!. no man (or woman) is an island!.Www@QuestionHome@Com