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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would anyone like some caulmulsion water in the age of breakfast skulls?

Question: Would anyone like some caulmulsion water in the age of breakfast skulls!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You may need to throttle back on the number of meds you take in the morning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

firstly i think you're referring to creomulsion!.!.like the black tar residue stuff!? secondly i didn't realize we were in an age of breakfast skulls!.!.!.i thought it was more age of the quagmire!. and can you get those breakfast skulls at target!? if not, i do not want to be apart of that age!. can we do, like, the age of sending me to cancun with happy thoughts!? nevermind!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

liquified amniotic sack sipped from a skull!? !.!.!.in the morning!?!
Has no one told you I don't wake before lunch!!?

Shocked, I will hasten away into the bleached-bone sun with my fading umbrella, blackly creaking like a midnight bat !.!.!.all my desires to sip or sup evaporated by your dark philosophy

Goodnight ??Www@QuestionHome@Com

If the water opens my eyes, yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com