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Position:Home>Philosophy> How could everything happen for a reason?

Question: How could everything happen for a reason!?
I use to believe that it was impossible for everything to happen for a reason!. However after Ive had my son, there is no way that I could live on this earth without believeing that one day God will show me the way or reveal the answers to all my questions!.
I am a young mother and everyday I cry that I made a horrible decision!. My son is 3 and I still have yet to come to terms with what I have done!. I just hope that one day Ill understand that this was supposed to happen for a reason!.
I love my son dearly, but sometimes I feel like Im a robot and Im just moving in space!. I question what my life would be like had I not had my son, and I even daydream that if I could rewind time, everything would be ok!.
I just need someone to talk to me!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I want you to know that i believe and you should too that God has planned everything for us and that is why everything happens for a reason!. one day you will look back and say "oh thats why that happened", everything will work in favor of you - and eveything happend for you to have experiences to gain wisdom and knowledge!.
Right now, you are going through a tough time!. But now that you're not the only person on earth facing trouble!. Every single human being on this earth has had times just like you are feeling right now!. But from person to person, the time in this 'low zone' can vary, for you lasting longer - i am assuming three years!.
And in this time we begin to question what we are even doing on this earth and begin to think why this is happening to you!. and you begin to regret and look back and imagine fantasies!. But remember that you cant change the past!. I know that it is extremely difficult, but bring yourself back into your 'high zone' whether if it is by a break, a lifestyle change, or moving, or anything!. You need to be enlightened by something new in your life to bring your old, happy life back!. Once you get into your 'high zone', that is when you will look back and would have learnt so much!. at that moment, you will see so perfectly why that happened to you!. you will see the full circle!. you will see that god was there all along, but you were just blind to see him there by your side!. and you will be thankful!.

hope i helped!. (if its not really the kind of answer you wanted, then i guess i misunderstood!. sorry!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have no doubt in my mind at the moment that things happen for a reason!. At first when my parents got divorced i got diabetes my mom got married and i got a half brother i though my life was ending but afterwards i always seem to get something out of it!. The love of my heartaching cute brother, the memories of living with my grandparents, better food choices, reponsiblitiy, great friends, and my step-dad!. I truly belaive my life is wonderful and even though there is some bad times i know it happened so another event can happen just like in a book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you haven`t given a lot of information about what you did but when i read your question the first thing to come to me was that you might have post natal depression ,this is nothing to be ashamed of by the way ,many young mothers go through this and their is help available for it!.i wish you the best of luck and hope you will be OK!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whew!. Sounds like post-natal depression, to me!. Have you talked to your ob-gyn about how you feel!? I think s/he would like to chat with you about all this, and hopefully you would get a referral to a mental health professional!.

If it is post-natal depression, then all your agonizing is a result of the brain chemistry issues, and not really a logical process that you're dealing with, so sort out the mental health issues, and then see what's what!.

Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your DNA is set for motherhood over a long period of time!. Your hormones get switched to cause you to think in the way you do otherwise there would not be a human race!. That still doesn't make it cosmic determinism !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

With no offense meant at all to your faith based beliefs, the question is as UN answerable as is, 'What is the meaning of life!?"

As a species we almost demand answers, reasons, for everything!. even as children we ask such innocuous questions as 'Why is the sky Blue!?" which actually has a valid explanation/answer!.

Without knowing the details, which may be none of our business in any case, the initial Q is far too general as it relates to the details to answer you!.

The fact that you HAD a child, by choice or poor planning, or NO planning, still cannot offer answers as to "Reason"

More important at this point, I think, is how you conduct what life you have, and not be so self centered as to still think "What if" (no offense) I could offer a crude analogy, You did the crime, now do the time!.

The fact that you even question the "what if", suggests you aren't ready to make any forward steps, with or without a child!. Daydreaming doesn't accomplish so much does it!?

Rev!. Wolf
Just my two "sense"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honey, you need to find a good counselor, psychologist or advisors to talk to!.
Could you, instead of thinking about possible mistakes your have made, look at the blessings and positive things in your life!?
The old saying is, "Count your blessings!." I say, do this several times a day or when you start feeling depressed!.
You can also learn to take responsibility for your past actions, change what you can, then move forward instead of dwelling in the past!.
I'm not sure if everything happens for a reason, but everything that does happen in our life can be looked upon as a lesson in life!. All we have to do is find out what the experience has taught us or is trying to teach us!. In this way, we can admit our mistakes, take responsibility for our words and actions, admit we were powerless or gave our power to another in the situation -- then get on with life and leave the past in the past!.
In this way we can learn to live positively instead of dwelling on the negative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what did you do that was so terrible!? I dont understand what you mean unless u elaborate!. As far as your regrets to having your son!. Dont do that!. it is not productive or healthy!. You had your son, he is a beautiful gift to you and our world!. Put your energy into making him a good person!. You will never regret that, ever!. Then go to school and educate yourself!. It is very empowering!. And makes you feel like you have control over your own destiny!. There will be a day when your son is grown, and you can live your life for yourself!. I know, because I had my daughter when i just turned 19!. She is now 15, and I have lived my life for her!. I know soon enough, I will be able to do my own things!. I look forward to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We come from different theological thoughts but OK - I do not think that there is always a reason for everything that happens!. I don't think we are being punished for our actions!. What is - is! If you want to use the God a creator picture - I figure it is more like a mom planning a party for a bunch of kids!. There is the jump house, the clown, the pool the food and sweets!. Now it is up to the kids to put them to the best use!. If a kid pukes in the jump house - well that ruins it for all the others - we could turn that to say it happened so another child would not bump heads and knock his teeth out!. Whatever!. The deed is done, do you wash the puke away and life resumes (and maybe that other kid does knock his teeth out) or steer the kids to another activity!?
I was older and married when I had my child - it was the most overwhelming task that I have ever undertaken! I thought I would never have a decent nights sleep - I had no time for myself even with a partner to help - so I understand (like any mother) what you mean!. It does no good to wonder about other trails you would be on if you did not have a son!. This is your reality now - all decisions effect both of you!. You just make the best decisions you can and go on!. Taking the other road may not have lead to blissful happiness either!. I could have been a rock star - just as happy as Britney! How is that for a thought! Hang tight cup cake - it does get easier rasing a child!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are no accidents!. However, that does not translate directly to "everything happens for a reason!." And while you may have discoveries or insights into how life works for you, no one is going to, or is able to definitely answer your questions about life!. Because there really are no answers!. We (human beings) are all like painters!. Painters paint on blank canvases!. There's nothing there before we start!. And you have the freedom to create any thing you want!

Life is a trap!. No one gets out alive!. Really! All you have is what you create in the time you've been given on this earth!. The famous saying, "Life sucks!. And then you die" isn't far from what is really so!. A more inspiring approach is, "life is what you make it!. And then you die"

Make it something beautiful, inspiring, peaceful, briming with power, freedom and self-expression!. You can do that!. And if you do, you'll have people the world over looking at your life to find examples of what is meaningful in theirs!.

Just go out and do it!. Forgive yourself for whatever you've done!. Love and take care of your son!. Love people around you!. Love yourself and your life!. It's all there is!. And it's all you've got!.Www@QuestionHome@Com