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Question: Life's mysteries waiting to be answered!?
I believe that Life's mysteries have been solved 12 different ways for thousands of years!. Spiritual traditions, especially one that includes meditation, or mystical contemplation have been there and back!.

To me, science will never catch up with the kaballah, Lao Tzu, Native American shamanism or other forms of mysticism!.

What do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The subject-matter of science is different from that of spiritual meditation!. They address different fields of knowledge!. As a young man, I believed that the world can only be understood and explained through science!. But, today I believe that numan mind is much more complicated, and needs alternative methods for meditation about the nature of existence!. However, while meditation is good for a brain already brought up in an atmosphere of scientific thought, it is useless for a man who uses it as the only tool for analysing the world!. At best, it is a complementary tool along with science!. Science can do without mysticism, but mysticism cannot do without science!. On the other hand, meditation and superstition are two different things and should not be confused!. For example, I cannot agree with a person who uses quantum mechanics to explain how the soul works!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Science is a universal philosophy!. The limits of what is studied in science is a product of politics!. Religion can be studied as a science, but religious leaders are unwilling to discard vague passages that have no innate meaning that links back to the basis of a religion, and other conditions that are incompatible with logic!.

The concept of the soul can be studied as a field of study like nuclear physics!. Quantum mechanics would be especially useful because paranormal relationships occur more often than strictly random!. Quantum mechanics documents the distributions of successes and failures to derive relationships that get the most out of what is available!.

I wrote an article about "How the Soul Works"; conjecture related to a process in science called Quantum Entanglement that makes it possible for the Soul, our Afterlife, telepathy, tele-kinesis, ghosts, spirits, precognition, !.!.!. all to become a legitimized field of study in the mainstream science communities!.

How the Soul Works:

Basically, all atoms are linked to one another!. Quantum Entangled particles can be on opposite sides of the Universe, and instantly as one is massaged, the other responds accordingly!.

Entangled Particles exist naturally in nature, and potentially within our brains!. Therefore, it is potentially possible that telepathy, astral projection, and a host of other paranormal relationships may be founded in quantum entanglement!.

As science progresses, potentially the underlying roots of all religions will become part of science!.

For almost every problem you can start working towards a solution from more than one direction; and still arrive at a solution!.

If religion is flailing about and moving towards science, and science has blinders on and is moving towards religion, then at some point they will start agreeing upon certain relationships!.

"Absolute Faith" and "to Know" were created by mankind to justify the lazy mind!.

"Self-Deception is the greatest evil in the world,
because self-deception preys on the troubled soul!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

All mysteries are waiting to be answered!.
To my 11 year old the birthing process is a mystery!. To me, who added my sperm to her egg by way of copulation and who has years in L&D there are no mysteries!.
When you say Life's mysteries which one's!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is nothing new under the sun, nor mysteries that have not been revealed before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree!.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree, in life some things are better being enjoyed and unexplainedWww@QuestionHome@Com