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Position:Home>Philosophy> What entitles us to judge what's right and what's wrong ?

Question: What entitles us to judge what's right and what's wrong !?
i refer to the evaluation of someone else's opinion

do you feel comfortable/eager, or do you ponder over with reserves !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For the sake of survival & prosperity people form groups!.

For a group to function the members must precieve that the group has a sense of justice or fairness!.

Justice or fairness, aka right & wrong, is established as a consensus between the group leaders & the group members!.

What entitles you to be a law maker or law evaluator is again group consensus!. We elect the lawmakers, they appoint the law evaluators!. (The California Supreme Court are law evaluators that THINK they are lawmakers)

Even in the abscece of Democracy group members still have a vote because they can switch sides, revolt or passively resist if they feel their leaders are creating unjust laws!.

Opinions on right & wrong vary, typically when enough people feel one way they enforce the opinion on the rest of the group, aka majority rule!. Sometimes the minorty rules, particularly members of the 'ruling' class, but this tends to be dangerous, if most of your society disagrees with a law enforcing it can cause problems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ones personal intellect as well as the lives they have lived!. Here you have experience and time however short or long to make your own decisions on a number of subjects!. With that you have a foundation to judge the opinions of another with your own opinions!.
Keep in mind that both the critiqued and the critic are basing their debates on "personal opinions"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In a word curiousity is what, I already know what my thoughts are but how am I to gauge them properly when there exists so many other people that are inclined to think about things also!.
I have come to the conclusion that the only way to guage my opinions and thoughts is to listen to those of others first assuming that they are right, then compare them to my own and see how they are different, then ask myslef the question in what ways is one or the other more or less valid!.
This system has proved very useful because now I am often able to adress an issue from many different perspectives all on my own but there are still, as often as not, times when other people are able to consider a possibility that had never occured to me and that is why I love discussing things with others so much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always consider an opinion before committing!.

In judging someone, inevitably, we are judging ourself!. We see in others the qualities we both like & dislike in ourself!.

To avoid being a hypocrite, which is no easy thing, we must first remove the ego!.

How can we judge others if we have not first learnt to judge ourself!?

The mirror reflects a very true light!. Try to ensure the surface is polished before judging the reflection!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe we should judge one anothers opinions!. Infact I think that's what makes us great as the human race-- we all have different opinions but we should all be willing to listen to one anothers opinion and respect it because naturally we will all share different opinions on certain things!.

So is that other person's opinion right or wrong everyone may ask!? The answer!.!.!. it's just another way of thinking about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well in terms of what's right and what's wrong, that is very subjective and difficult to determine!. no one's opinion is technically wrong!. for example, if someone is born and raised to be a racist, they can't help it that they turn out that way!. of course i personally think racism is terrible, but if those are someone's beliefs, we have to respect that!. however, acting out on those beliefs in a way that affects other people negatively, for example, inciting violence against a group of people, that is always wrong!. so i guess that no morals or values are wrong or right, it's how we act out on our beliefs that make us good or evil, right or wrong!.
as for how we should evaluate someone else's opinion, i think it's always essential to remain open minded, while at the same time questioning and challenging everything!. this is how we can spread what we think is right while at the same time respecting other peoples' right to be wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yours is a real question!!!!!

I have asked myself the same question during every political discussion with opposing opinioned people!.
What makes my opinion right!? Might I be wrong!?

We humans seem to have a built in desire to be right!. This is the root of all evil in this world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing really!. It's just Human nature!. You can't easily change nature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We all have a right to our own opinion, even if it's wrong!.!.!.!.Entitlement to judge an others should only be warranted if ask by the other for your opinion!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing entitles us to make that decision, although we do everyday!. Like I've said earlier to each his/her own!Www@QuestionHome@Com

We should not judge one another it is easier that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Judge not!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com