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Position:Home>Philosophy> IS IT POSSIBLE to change from......?

Question: IS IT POSSIBLE to change from!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
Being in a bad mood, to a good mood, in ten seconds, or is there a quick fix using our minds to change our mood !? thanks !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't know about 10 seconds, but you can change your mood fairly quickly with music, color, and repeating or even reading positive words!.

Affirmations really work, and they do work immediately!.

So much of our mood is self-talk!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When in a bad mood you can make yourself focus on something positive!. Play the Pollyanna game and make yourself find something to be "glad" about!. It can be something very simple, like the sunshine or a flower in bloom!.!.!. someone elses smile, anything which makes the darkness lighter!. Bad moods are usually a result of too much emphasis on the negatives and dark stuff!. Shift your focus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think its fully possible to elevate a bad mood into a good mood in ten seconds I do however believe in trying to lift your mood in that amount of time which can be done!.

Can you be percieved as happy in a matter of 10 seconds after being in a bad mood!? YES, but are you actually really happy!? NO your just putting on a mask for the time being until you truly do feel better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it is very easy too change your moods!. And control them too, I can be pissed off and be a jerk but then I think about my mood!. How I got into it and why!. Then I ask how does it help me!. How can I fix it!? Those questions usually help change your mood, if not have a wider view of it!.
Sometimes even if these don't work my mood changed thinking about these questions!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Keep repeating: I'm fine and everything is under control ( even if it isn't and i know it)!

Just keep telling to yourself that you are fine and good and it's better to drink water rather than shouting for useless stuff, like annoying people!. You will save wasted health and effort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depending on the circumstances, people can have mood swings like crazy!.!.!.Those who know how to control they're feelings will simply brush off the problems or solve them in order to keep a piece of mind!.!.!.Those who are irrational will find things to blame and can become quite complicated!.!.!.If it happens too much, people just need to smoke some cush and relax!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

most sufferers of Clinical Depression, display this symptom of rapid mood changes, one of the factors governing moods is a chemical called seratonin which is excreted in the brain during the period of mood swings, most Anti-depressants work by inhibiting the production of this chemical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably thinking of things you like!.!.
This is probably where people come up with a "happy place"!.!.!.It's a lot easier if you aren't stubborn, and if you want to be happy then usually you can get that way easier!.
But when I'm mad!.!.I just want to stay that way for a while!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the actual change is usually within a matter of seconds, but as someone else said, i wish we could control it, instead of moping around for a day i wish i could click into being happy soonerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. All you have to do is be like me!. Just make sure that there is nothing to be happy about or sad about, then you can just decide what mood you feel like being inWww@QuestionHome@Com

Gratitude!. Concentrate on things that you are thankful for!. Pray if you believe in that, but fill your mind with gratitude and anger and sadness flee!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can go from being happy to pissed off to happy again very quickly!. I wish I could control my mood swings but unfortunately I can't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ask your higher being for help and meditate!. Go running in a field!. It helps me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its called Jekyll and Hyde and once a month I can go from one to the other very easy!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com