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Position:Home>Philosophy> British Parliament Approves Creation Of Hybrid Human-Animal Embryo.....?

Question: British Parliament Approves Creation Of Hybrid Human-Animal Embryo!.!.!.!.!.!?
This hybrid from hell is about to come upon us with the help of those scientists!.!.!.Do you think God is also about to send his curse upon us!?!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think restrictions or regulations should be put in place before this kind of experimentation continues instead of after-the-fact clean up!.

Stem cell research in itself can be a viable means of saving lives but to hybridize human and animal cells seems overly arrogant to me!. As a student in the sciences I am learning the problematic nature of ethics, but it still astounds me that so many exceptional minds persist with conducting experiments that are so risky!.

Once again its a case of!.!.!.just because we can doesn't mean we should!.

In response to your question!.!.!.I don't think God is about to send his curse upon us, we are doing fine in cursing ourselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The purpose is to try to find cures in medical research (although we can assume there will be some meddling with DNA and genetic structures, possibly more and worse in secracy)!.

Personally, i dont not see how this will help us find cures for the incurable diseases, but then i am not a scientist/biologist!. I don't like the idea of making a 'hybrid' being!.!.it just seems so corrupt!. I'm not even religious and!.!.it's just one of those things that send a shiver up my spine, it's not right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who!?!? Oh!.!.!. Him!.!.!.!. The Xtian Diety!.
I'm -far- more worried about what you can do in the kitchen with $50 or $100 worth of odds 'n ends that you can get at any hardware store!. Recombinant DNA is nothing to play with, and designer virii are no longer the domain of Science Fiction!.


theyr gonna b destroyed by day 14!.!.!.

what is the purpose of this research!?Www@QuestionHome@Com