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Position:Home>Philosophy> What would life be like if all people looked alike and sounded alike?

Question: What would life be like if all people looked alike and sounded alike!?
I mean, I can't tell one crow from another by either appearance or by the sound of their cawing!.

What if we all looked exactly alike and sounded exactly alike!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
we would be grey blobs and sound like the monotonous guy in the default answering machineWww@QuestionHome@Com

That would be impossible even if we did look alike and sound alike, because our personality, and circumstance of life would allow us to differ!.

You can't tell crows from one another because you only see them occasionally, and don't know about their call sounds!. Every living thing has differences visually, audibly, and physically!. Saying there are no differences in crows is like saying that there are no differences in Chinese people!.

This is an impossibility, but if it were true in the light that you are asking, then people's personality and mental processes would cause them to eventually conflict!. No-one likes being the same as the majority!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At first I was going to say, "Then maybe people could truly fall in love!."

But then I thought about it!.

Love can really build a self esteem up for yourself!. The things about yourself that are odd and unusual can be seen as artistic and special to another person making your connection all the more important to you because they love and respect your body!.

It's also quite like living a fable!. "Once upon a time there was a place called Earth and everyone looked different!. Sometimes this divided people into different categories, ugly, beautiful, weird, odd, eccentric, etc, etc, etc!.!.!. People were deceived by image!.!.!." Moral of the story, beauty is on the inside- but uniqueness makes us human!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life would suck, basically!.

But just because you can't tell one crow from another that doesn't mean that crows can tell one human from another, ya know what I mean!? All animals of one kind don't look alike, I'm sure if you have a dog or cat you can tell it from another dog or cat of the same kind, right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let me show you a little scenario :

"Hey jim," Bob calls!.
Jim turns to look at who just called him!. "Where are you!?"
"Over here," Bob says!.
Jim looks but only sees the same faces, in the background they all talk and sound the same!. "Where!?"
"Right here," Bob says again!.
Jim sees three people each speak at the same time!. He can't tell which one is Bob!.!.!.
Meanwhile Bob is confused as to how he even knew where Jim was!.
"Wait are you Jim Greene!?"
"No I'm Jim Ross," Mr!. Ross says!.
Bob shyly says, "Oh sorry," and turns around and continues walking!. Just mingling with the others like him!. Ralking like them, a see of voices all the same!. Hair, the same!. Lips and eyes, all the same!.

It would be insanity!. How could you tell who was/is who!? You'd never be able to find anybody unless you called them and even then!.!.!.
You'd have to like wear different clothes and be able to identify based on that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would mean an incomplete creation!. Creation becomes perfect when all dimensions come together which are the dimensions of height, width and depth!.

If there's just one of them, that's when we are kind of plastered in one location or condition of existence!. And we can't tell if it's night or day, black or white, male or female, young or old, etc!. There's no duality that gives us our reference points!. We'd all be living, but being unaware of it, we might as well be just dead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we would all be crows!. and we would sniff eachother in the wierdest places to find out who is who


some of us (the snobs) would think they are better than everyone else and they would get cosmetic surgery to look different!.

yep!. definitely the 2nd scenario!. ahahaha!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Well, it would be incredibly boring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We'd all think we're the same person and therefore not speak and work as atoms in a cell!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yah !. !. !. that's a tough one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is called stereotyping!.!.!. like because i'm old with grey hare people think i'm stoopud!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would be like ChinaWww@QuestionHome@Com