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Position:Home>Philosophy> Balance in life ?

Question: Balance in life !?
Since we were younger, we were more likely to be told that we should live an all happy life , believe in the light, have high hope , believe in the positives ,be firey , intellectual , active and ignore the negatives!.!.!.!.basically embrace the " yang " side of life!.

However, as it says " what goes up must come down " , there is the yin side of life where sadness , passiveness , as well as spirituality and mystery , compassion the dark and all "negative" reside

I believe if one is living entirely on one side of the scale would be heading for disappointment and shock and an unfullfiling life!. Balance should always be kept ( for one to enjoy happiness, he has to appreciate his own sadness )

What is your thought on this !? Have you had a balanced life !? Or has your life been tipped to a certain side !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi Ryan,

Yes, I agree with everything you have said!. The only down-side of living a balanced life is that sometimes you miss out on being excellent or the best at one thing!. Think about Einstein - he was the greatest scientist of all times with that brilliant mind, but he was also dyslexic - he couldn't spell or write!. His wife had to write his papers!. Mozart is another example - imo, he was the greatest musician ever, but his life was way out of balance - socially and emotionally!.

Personally, I have lived a balanced life - good in many areas, not great in one!. I guess I prefer it that way, or I wouldn't have come into this lifeteime with this natal chart configuration!.

addend: Wow, beautiful profile and deltoid muscle - so glad to have these nice, new glasses to see and admire!. That's my handsome son!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Disappointment and troubles will always enter our lives whether we want them or not!. We do need the darkness to appreciate the light!. We should seek for the good things but learn form every experience we get!.
Sometimes we are in control of the balance in our lives, such as between work and play!. Sometimes we have little control over anything except our own attitude!.
We must experience sadness so that our joy can be greater the next time!. But do not seek the yin!. There is plenty of misery in the world!. Our task is to balance that with the beauty and wonder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well love, I do believe that there is a balance to life!.!.!.The only Difference in what you are saying is that we as humans, have choices!.!. We can tip the scale in one favor or the other!.!.!.I have been through a lot, wither it was good, or bad, every decision that I made was made through "free will"!.!.!.!. I do have the one thing that some people lack, and that is common sense!.!.!. Blessings to you and yours!.!.!.!. ZariaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Brilliant!.!.!.to be balanced! We are all yin & yang, good and bad, happy and sad, for one to strive to be one or the other is certain defeat!. Balance in life is everthing! If your to kind the wolves will eat you, if your to hard, you'll have no love!. In which case!.!.!.your dead already!. The true being is not yin nor yang but the eye of each!. Not being!.!.!.but ever seeing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A mixture of light and darkness is gray, so I don't agree that we need sadness to be happy!.

Now, if a person is trying to be happy, then yes, you are absolutely right!.!.!. it will not last!.

But on the other hand, if you know how to increase the light, then the shadows will just disappear!. This nice resource will explain how to increase the light!. Not religious, it is in an entertaining format!.!.!. "Gospel Enigma" It's the 10th free eBook on the list here: http://newfreebooks!.com

There is a way to get rid of the darkness completely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read in the Tao Te Ching that one should never attach themselves to a particular emotion, that way they are always comfortable, because change doesn't affect them!.
I think it's responsible to not always be so pleasure seeking, and not run away from discomfort!.
But at the same time, no one can be healthy and a nihilist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know what this phrase sounds to me as ridiculous as a 'well-rounded" individual!.!.!.especially applying to students : be a well rounded individual!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.learn later in life :-)!.
One of those utopic clichés again!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with you completely!. i have always strived for what Aristotle called "the golden mean"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com