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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you a highly INTUITIVE or very INSIGTFUL person ?

Question: Are you a highly INTUITIVE or very INSIGTFUL person !?
If so then please read!. Picture this!. Recently I was looking for a job at a major beach resort in the US!. It is on the east coast!. The
name of it is, Sheraton Broadway Plantation!. It has green grass, rolling hills,
ponds, flowers, etc!. And there is a vast network of people who work there too!. A man who is employed there told me there was an opening for food services!. So, I went
and signed an application in the front office!.
Now I am waiting to go back and speak with
the manager!. A female!. Do you think that
I will get this job !? And when will it be !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I loved the description you gave of this beautiful plantation! I believe that your approach was a positive one and probably sat well with the person in charge of hiring for this position!.

Therefore, I believe that you will get the job based on your "go get it attitude" and the fact that your narrative had no misspelled words and was grammatically correct!. Maybe you're a student just trying to get through the summer until you register for college in the fall!?

Send a thank you note to the person who interviewed you and then a follow-up call in about a week if you haven't heard anything by then!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi white dove

It sounds like you really want the job!. All I can say is stay hopefull and optimistic and if you do get the job, be happy, but if you don't get the job, be happy!. For what is meant to be will be!. You will get what is your destiny to get!. I hope you get the job though if this is what you want!.

Best wishes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

usually people will let you know within a week of the interview if you are hired or not!. if you dont hear by then, i would call back "hi i was just calling to check the status of my application"!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it depends on how you filled out your app!. im sure you will hear something with in a week!. if not they probably hired someone elce!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


It seems like you have payed attention to a sign that came your way, and by acting on that sign, you have brought about a series of events that may indeed culminate in your getting the job!.

Basically, there are signs around us all the time, the trick is paying attention to them -- you notice what you choose to pay attention to -- and being ready to act when the time is right!. In this case, you paid attention to this resort, and because of this you received information about a job opening, and you were ready and able to act on it!.

I'd say the job will probably start in the next couple weeks!. Whether you get it really depends on the skills and abilities you already possess!. Be ready to act when the opportunity comes, and you will not fail!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Based on my gut I would say no, but I as far as insight goes I would say that you could likely get the job if you were able to draw upon a network of your aquantances if one happens to know someone that is high in the pecking order of that resort!.
I suspect that you are new to this area and that you do not have that resorce to draw upon so I am in doubt that you will likely be able to get that job by simply walkin means!.
Of course this is just speculation and it will not likely be considered intuitive unless it turns out that I am correct!.
However I hope for yoursake that I am wrong because it would seem that you are very interested in settling in this area and becoming a part of that comunity there!.
So good luck and even if you are turned down you can never understate the effectiveness of persistence that is to say nag them until you get your way!.
It may sound crass but as far as seeking employment goes it is a very useful tactic especialy in jobs that have a high turnover rate and many jobs in food service have a large turn over rate so that it is likely that such a tactic will eventualy pay off!.
Once again good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there are no spelling mistakes or major grammatical flaws in your question thus you are likely to have presented your application form well , additionally you arrived at a place with a vacancy possibly ahead of other applicants and are known by an employee already working there, you have set your sights so low no skill is required so must be qualified,

that combination will reward you with a standard rejection letter within 28 days informing you of the fact that despite being suitable for the job you did not get it!.additionally as a final kick in the teeth you can enjoy the indignity of your "details being kept on record!."

and that will be because it's gone to someone between the ages of 16-17 who can be paid far less by the company!.

if you are 16-17 get ready for three weeks of hell before you quit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com