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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe the theory that life originated in outer space?

Question: Do you believe the theory that life originated in outer space!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am more inclined to believe in life originating from space, than to believe narrow minded, constricting overtly religious viewpoints forced down my throat!.

Has the Life from Space theory been used to brainwash and control people en masse yet!? No!.
Good! Let's keep it that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everywhere is outer space!.

it is plausible life arrived to earth on a meteorite!.

but it is also possible that life spontaneously originated here on earth!.

it's difficult to know exactly how rare life is elsewhere and what really are the necessary conditions for life to exist and spontaneously be formed, so it's hard to say which is more likely!.

but at the end of the day even if life didn't come here pre-formed on a meteorite, all the ingredients did for it at least!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Earth is about 4!.5 billion years old!. The Universe is over 14!.5 billion years old!. Humans have been around for not much more than 100,000 years, and even then we are genetically closer to mice than we are to humanoids older than 100,000 years old!.

Amino acids form naturally in raw mixtures of common elements!.

So I think life existed out in the Universe long before the Earth ever formed!.

I also believe that meteorites that contained life forms could have seeded the Earth with molecular shapes that made it easier for amino acids to form living cells!.

I also believe the basic components for life may have also spawned spontaneously and that life is much more common than we anticipate!.

We can see over 125 billion galaxies in our observable universe, with at least 2 magnitudes more in stars!. And at least a magnitude more in stars too small for us to detect!. So that is loosely 125,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars with potentially habitable planets!.

Odds are good that life exists elsewhere, and that meteorites containing fossilized DNA could have contaminated our world and spawned a version of alien life!.

Yes, it's possible and no less likely, that spontaneous life formed here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ofcourse life began in different sphere to this one, we are relatively backward in evolution terms us humans!.
But we may get better given time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The whole universe is life, I believe the theory of life originated beyond outer space, like in God!.