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Position:Home>Philosophy> What you think vrs.what you've done?

Question: What you think vrs!.what you've done!?
is the 'quality' or 'significance' of an individual based on what the person has actually done or created, like writing, OR is who the person is inside their head a criteria in judging their value in society!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think its the quality or significance of what's in our mind that's the most important thing!. True, what we do is an accomplishment but at the end of the day it's just recognition & praise from other people!.
Whereas what we think affects how we interract with people & influences our every actions!. It's our essence!. This has an effect on how we fit in socially
More importantly, it affects our relationship with our Creator, if we do indeed have oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

everyone has there own special value that even though you might not think they do and they might not even no or think that highly of them selves but what you might not see as a value in someone is most definitely very valuable to someone else and that someone else just might have the values that seem so important to you !.call it karma call it the circle of life call it b!.s!. but that is what it is on both sides of the question in question heads tails positive negative night day 69 black white good bad pretty ugly EC EC etcWww@QuestionHome@Com