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Question: If humans were wiped out!.!.!.!?
Lets say 2012 marked the end of humanity on earth, would it be possible for apes to evolve into humans again!? If yes, would they learn from all of our technology we've left behind!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not in any reasonable amount of time, basically if it is going to happen that way it will happen and it the fact that humans have evolved to point that we have would not have a direct impact on the continued evolution of other species of apes!.
A possible example of what you are talking about might be talking about would be the apparent leap in technological development in Neanderthal technology when humans and Neanderthal appeared to have crossed paths!.
With chimpanzees it would take a very long time before we expect them to learn from us because by the time they evolved enough to benefit from our influence in this regard all of our technology would likely be buried and so it would probably be a very long time indeed before the evolved apes got to a technological level where they began to uncover the signs of our existence and then it would not be likely that much would remain that they could learn about new technologies from!.
More likely it would not be until they discovered the technologies themselves that it would even become clear what our tools were and how the were used!.
Although there might be an occasional time here and there where our former civilization would benefit the ape cultures but the main thing that it would depend on is how much literature survived the millions of years it would take for them to get to a point where they might discover it and also if they were able to piece together our languages!.
I am inclined to be of the opinion that if this was ever to be the case it would be highly imporabable that human civilization would have a very large impact on ape culture in terms of technological advances!.
There is just to much going against this idea bening the case!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

assuming only the humans were wiped out!. then you would need the proper conditions required for apes to evolve to be smarter, and lots of time!.

I think they probably would learn from some of our technology, perhaps the workings of alot of it would be way to complex for them to interpret or understand properly, but some of our simpler things they could learn from, our simpler tools, they could recycle our materials we've mined for them already!.

but hopefully they would learn the most important thing, that our own technology had killed us!.

something we have noticed in other ancient cultures, though we have not heeded the warning!.

we are smart enough to create technology, but not smart enough to use it wisely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since the human ape line in evolution split, there has been evolution on both sides!. The thing to understand is that we shared a common ancestor, and from then we have gone into different directions!. I doubt that primates would evolve a second "human" line!. If by some weird chance the did, the process of evolution is slow, millions of years slow, to get that type of change!. So the answer to the question about their learning from our technology!.!.!. what do you own that would last a thousand years let alone a million!? mountains would erode, sea levels change, ice ages come and go and what would be left!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

why not!?!.!.!.!.!.it would take millions of years of evolution if ever for them to evolve, but say they do evolve to our intelligence, by that time the stuff we have left behind would have been destroyed and gobbled up by the earth like the dinosaur bones!. Therefore they would be able to learn from our relics, the same way we learn from the past relics of the greeks, aztecs, chinese, egyptians etc!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you look at it from an
evolutionary point of view,
apes could totally evolve
into humans as they
"once did before"!.
no one really knows for sure how long it took the
"apes to evolve into humans"
for all we know
it could have taken as little as 50,000 years
or as much as 50,000,000!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It won't, probably not, since they're already a divergent species from humans, and there won't be much left behind after all those unmonitored nuclear reactors have meltdowns!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably not, if humans were wiped out isn't it likely that apes would be tooWww@QuestionHome@Com

Again!? There's no proof they evolved into humans the first time, just theories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There wouldn't be much left in a million years, or even in 200,000 years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course!. Haven't you ever seen the "Planet of the Apes" movies!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i can only imagineWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com