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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why can’t you be just as good as you are?

Question: Why can’t you be just as good as you are!?
I come along to share with you
My beautiful thoughts
My ideas
And nicest words -
The words of wisdom, courage and hope
I relate to you the stories
Of human spirit and enterprise

But I know this all too well
That I am not half as good myself
Not half as good as my words are

But when you call me a liar
An insincere prankster
Blame me for juggling words
And playing with the mind

I ask, why!?
Why can’t you be just as good!?
As the words, the ideas, and the stories
After all, all of these are just for you
They are only mine to tell

Thanks for your kind thoughts!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lovely actually! Yes there are those out there who would ridicule others and say unkind words!. So i share this with you, and hope that you like it!. My Grt Grandmother was a Lakota woman who had the b*lls in her era to marry a Navajo!.This is the thought she handed down to us!.

"One evening, an Old Lakota told his grandchild about a battle that goes on inside all people, He said, My Child, the battle is between two 'Wolves' inside us all!.
ONE is evil!. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, lies,false pride, superiority, bad thoughts and ego!
the OTHER is good!. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion good thoughts and faith!.
Oh, said the grandchild, which wolf wins grandfather!?
To which the old Lakota Grandfather replied!.
The one you feed!!!

Have a star!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is beautiful!. A real piece of written art!.
"An insincere prankster Blame me for juggling words"

Your words are your intentions, but we often lose sight of our intentions, our goals and our means, via distractions of midiocrities and 'issues!.'
As the famous saying goes "Its the thought that counts!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is it my need for comfort or are you nirvana to my soul,
Is my heart athirsted, or have you become life’s goal!.!.
Was there life before you, could I live without you here
I am but a minion, are you so greater than my soul
I lie not yet you wonder, the doubt within your heart
Cast blame and wound me, if you raging heart be stilled
You question but not listen, I answer you do not hear!.!.!.
I am and you eternity, and love and breathe and world
Your miserly soul doubts my truth, and lies I cannot bear
You will do as you will, and I little care !.!.!.

Peace To You !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I know how good you are
I hope i want to be good as you are
Your words speak of what you are
So full of wisdom to give you a star!.

Continue rumbling the good words
Those thoughts put me aboard
I cannot say a few more words
Just to let you know am in accord

Thanks for sharing!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Control! We are controlled from the time of first perception!. The school system trains us to lose our individuality and creativity!. Parents and peers put us down!. The ones who retain the ability to be their best, are the ones who ignore the negative control!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its good if i were you i would enter it in a competitionm to get it published in a anthologyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I Like to Say: "Perfect In Imperfection"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I amWww@QuestionHome@Com

You can be, perhaps you just aren't now!. I assume you aren't saying things like "I can fly to the moon without wings and heal cancer with the touch of my hand" you're saying wholesome, real, meaningful things and for some reason you're being criticised!. You say you know you are not as good as your words, do not decrease the quality of what you say simply because you feel you aren't fit to say it, as your workds are spreading "wisdom, courage and hope", rather increase the quality of yourself until you know you are at least as good as the things you say, then when people call you a liar it is you who is triumphant as you know you are not one!. Otherwise, who cares what others say!? The things you're saying are good and bring good into the world, it doesn't matter who delivers the message, the message is all that matters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com