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Position:Home>Philosophy> Philosphically speaking. Are there generally two kinds of people?

Question: Philosphically speaking!. Are there generally two kinds of people!?
I've not studied philosophy!. But it occurs to me that that, particularly relating to spiritual or philosophic perspectives, people might generally fit into one of two 'types'!?

The first look at themselves and their lives and find philosophies and beliefs that compliment ‘where they are’!. That enhance what they value about themselves!. When they find something about their adopted philosophies that does not fit, they leave it behind and find something more suitable!. They often talk in terms of ‘growth’ and ‘seeking’!.

The second type find a model that they admire in the world at large and attempt to mould themselves and their lives to this!. Should they discover a part of themselves that does not fit the model, they make attempts to deny, suppress or eradicate those aspects of themselves!. They often talk of how they and their world fall short of the ‘ideal’!.

Does this sound familiar!? Are there philosophical terms for these two lines of thought perhaps!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes there are terms for this - what you are referrring to I heard the philosopher Ken Wilbur calling 'internal authority' and 'external authority' respectively!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think this is partially true in the broadest of terms, I would use the term Dogmatic to describe the 2nd group, i!.e!. people who stick to the letter of the chosen word, rather than going on their own feelings!. The 1st I guess would be non-dogmatic, for lack of a better term at this moment!.

However, I ultimately believe that there are as many "types" of person as there are people in the world, we are all individuals & it is my belief that individuality & diversity should be encouraged & embraced!. Which is why I fall into the 1st group & why I am an anarchist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, it does sound kinda familiar in some ways to two major schools of philosophy!. I don't remember they're exact names though!. I read it in "Sophie's World" by J!. Gaardner!. It's like philosophy in the eyes of a young girl!.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that they have something in common with other major schools of philo!.

I'd say the first one has some hellenistic, realistic point of view where man is the center!. While the 2nd one is somewhat more idealistic or romantic where nature is the center!.

I'm no expert in philosophy nor do I have any deep knowledge of any schools of philosophy though!. I may even sound stupid but try getting a copy of the book if you're really interested in the different shools!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of the two descriptions you give!. One seems more Yin and one Yang!.

I'd catagorize myself as being primarily 1st type!. However I've discovered/imbibed the second type in me and they synchronise quite well despite what would seem like obvious contradictions!.!.!.!.and it's enjoyable!.

I know many more who are of this mixture!.

The analogy would be like children born to parents of two very different races and cultures!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's hard to say if there are only two kinds of people!. Actually, there have to be more than two because there are those who seek to hurt and destroy and kill others!. I don't see how they would fit into the above categories!.
I would have to say that I fall into the first category pretty much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see what you mean, its an interesting idea youve posed!. I do however see myself as more of the first category however, which I believe would be more prominent within the philosophical community!. While the second I believe relates more to religious individuals!. Just my thoughts though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with Ginginotg
( and can't help thinking of a joke!.!.):
According to the Polish proverb :
Under capitalism, man exploits man; under socialism, the reverse is true!."

Honestly speaking both spiritual and philosophical people go on by asking questions to themselves !.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Every person s unique!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The first one is capitalist and the second is working class!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i did study philosophy but not in- depth!.
Unfortunately i cant help much!.
Thanks for askingWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes, two kinds of people, men and womenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!.!.!.!. atheists and believers!! And of course there are those in-between!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) I agree that both perspectives given in the title question can be found!.

2) However, I do not think that all people can be sorted into one of these extremes!. There is a lot of in-between, e!.g!. people who behave like method a for some issues and like method b for other issues!.

3) Many people are aware of what is being expected from them, of what choices they have and which rational, spritual or factual points are to be considered!. I do not think that your binary model of two basic types fits this situation!.

Generally said, I doubt that the diversity of people can be simply categorised in two kinds by their behaviour!. There is no rational basis for thinking that two such basic, contradictory kinds of people exist!. This is oversimplified!.Www@QuestionHome@Com