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Position:Home>Philosophy> What happens to our world without the bees?

Question: What happens to our world without the bees!?
Just random pondering! Your thoughts and future visions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Bees will always be!.

When humans find a way to exterminate bees, we will be signing our own destruction and extinction!. Bees are the most populous pollinators we have!. Many food products would not procreate properly without our friendly bees!. Yes, we have other pollinators but nothing like the bee!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although most of us think that bees have been on the North American continent forever, It was not until the whites came that bees were introduced!. Indeed, the natives called them "white man's flies"!. There were and are other ways to pollinate plants, such as other insects and the wind, although pollination is more random, and its fruit, honey, would not be produced!.

Although bees pollinate and help our plants to reproduce, and us to thrive on produce, if they all died out it would not be the end of the world!. There would be major food shortages, and many starving people, but humanity would somehow survive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No pollination by the bees!. Some pollination by the wind and other insects!. Lower fruit and vegetable production!. Less food!. Very few flowers, trees and other vegetation can survive without bees!.
Remember, even if you are a stict meat eater and don't think this will affect you, what do beef cattle eat!? Hmmmm!. Alfalfa, oats, grass and other grains!. No pollination, no grain, no beef!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We would slowly lose the plants we have, as well as the food stuff we eat in the plant world!.
Lose the bees and we lose the planet!. Just as sure as fat dogs fart we will lose the planet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are going to end up with many!.many problems!. Imagine, if the end of mankind!.!.!.the human race as it exists now ceased to flourish ,not because of some great war, or atomic bomb but,because of a honey bee!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do not know!. Let us hope that we do not find out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The food chain will crumble or at least scarce go on from thereWww@QuestionHome@Com