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Position:Home>Philosophy> What happens after death?? do we go to hell or heaven or smthing might happen to

Question: What happens after death!?!? do we go to hell or heaven or smthing might happen to us!?!?!?!?
well!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.lemme noe the opinions of different people!!!
so dat i can decide wat i believe in!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Philosophy, that is the love of knowledge, primarily deals with how humans understand and act within the context of that which is knowable (i!.e!., during this life time)!.

Religion deals primarily with the rewards are punishments that many assume or suppose will follow after this life!.
Both deal, often, with morals and ethics within the social context and, thereby, may overlap one another as to their particualr areas of supposed or assumed expertise!.

IN regards to that which may be knowable, of those who practice and / or follow one of the many "reward/punishment" faith/belief systems, none have returned so to attest, confirm or deny that which may or may not occur to the essence or soul of a being after the same is freed from this life at the time of the demise of the physical manifestation of the same siad person or persons!.

Of those who practice faith/belief or philosphoical systems that assume, suppose or proffess that such said essence/soul does return in a new manifestation so as to continue its spiritual journey, many have returned to tell of their experience!.

Please, examine the Tibet Great Book of Natural Liberation Through Hearing in the Intermediate State, commonly referred to as "The Tibetan Book of the Dead"!.

There are problably many accounts offered by Hindus, as well, although this one is personally unfamiliar with them!.

Reincarnation is as common a theme in religions as is the reward/punishment systems concepts of an afterlife!.

There is also the concept of nirvana!.

May it be well with you and may you follow the path that is correct for you in fearlessness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What happens after we die!.!.!. no one really knows for sure!. It is all a matter of what your beliefs are!.

One belief is that we are reincarnated to become another being and depending on how you lived your life dictates who and what you are reincarnated to be!.

Another belief is that we either go to a heaven or a hell and even a purgatory!. There are many interpretations of all three places!. Some belief systems believe that hell is a fiery place that you go to suffer, and some believe that it is a common grave!. Some believe that heaven is a place up in the sky to reside with a creator and some believe that it is eternal life here on earth!. The belief in purgatory is that it is a waiting place of sorts to decide whether you will go to either heaven or hell!.

Another belief is that when we die we become part of the universe in some way!.

And finally some believe that nothing happens after we die!. Our body just decomposes (for lack of a better word) and becomes part of the earth!.

So!.!.!. I guess you have to decide what belief suits your life best or what you have faith in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am assuming that you are referring to death of our body!. We are spiritual beings, so when the body dies we continue on!. We can go into another human body or chose something else!.!.!.if you are curious, I suggest you see this as a nudge to explore every thing you can in order to determine what reasonates with your spiritual core truth!. What you believe becomes your reality, chose wisely, and respect that if you go down the road of ouijie boards and black magic you are openning yourself up to exploitation!.!.!.stick to meditation, visualization, and learning about incredibly good people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suppose you are asking about the human soul or spirit or ghost!.

Where does a candle flame go when you blow it out!? The candle remains!. The smoke remains!. The flame is gone!. Flame is a process, not a physical object!. When the process ends, the flame is gone!.

Life is a process!. The human mind and all that it involves is also a process!. When the process stops, the substrate, the brain, remains, but it is inert!. Life ends!. Mind ends!. All that you know as spirit, soul, or ghost is a part of the process that is mind!. There is no afterlife!.

Most people find this truth hard to accept because it denies something they desperately want, but realize can never be, an eternal soul!.

You believe what you will believe!. I have given up on trying to influence people!. I know the truth, but it is for each and every one to find the truth for themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't get stuck in rigid beliefs!.
The concept of an afterlife is a tool of religion to scare people into following its rules without question!.
There is no evidence of an afterlife and it doesn't even make sense!.
You won't be able to see anything, because your eyes will dry up and rot!.
You won't be able to feel anything because your nerves will shrivel up and rot!.
People who believe in an afterlife are making an emotional decision!. They think 'what if' and 'but that book says so', or 'other people believe it'!. Lame excuses based in fear!.
Make the best of your life, the best of each day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe there is no hell, but as some people tell me everything in life is balanced, where theres good theres evil!. I tell them its my belief and that its the after life anything is possible!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not really sure if I believe in heaven or in hell or somewhere else!. What I believe in is that when we die, there's someone there that would either give you the thumbs-up or a long sad face!.

It wouldn't matter to me where I end up as long as I get the thumbs-up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The same feeling before you were born!. Nothingness!. Non-existence!. You shouldn't worry about it because when you die, you can't feel anyways!.

But when you're dying, your body naturally releases dopamine, so we die high!. That's a good thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't want to lie to you, so here's my honest answer: no one really knows!. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell, though--these seem like superstition to me, and naive concepts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Bible tells us two things!.!.!.

we either go to heaven or to hell!.!.!.

Heaven are for those who received and acknowledged Jesus as the Son of God and Hell are for thosewho refused to believed him!.

Luke 16: 19-31 says it all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

people believe in heaven because, obviously, that sounds like a very ideal place to go!.

but honestly, I think you just rot in the ground!.
theres nothing more to itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, people who died, never came back to tell us, so!.!.!.!?
In my humble opinion, we'll all go to heaven, and it'll be a great party!
PS Let's hope there are no taxes to pay up there!.!.!.

this sounds funny!.!.!.

How can we know dat whr do we go aftr death!?!?

bt!.!.!.we have 1 way!.!.!.
by calling the souls to earth, we can ask them this ques!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe after 40 days we are reborn to try again until we are perfect, then nirvana!. but why should my belief influence yours!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

as a matter of fact we know that after we die we will suerly be in our own grave yard !!! i dont belive in the presence of ghosts and life after deathWww@QuestionHome@Com

When one dies, he/she lives on within the memories of others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we simply get recycled!.!.!.or i guess we call that reincarnation!.!.!.or whatever!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm catholic so i belive we go to purgatory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How can I know!? My dead relatives don't pay me any visit to narrate what happened to them after they die!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

die and find outWww@QuestionHome@Com