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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is suicide ever ok?

Question: Is suicide ever ok!?
Got some interesting answers so thought id repost!.!.!.Im not going into my story but I want to ask the question!.!.!. I see suicide as a cowards way out, and I would hate to hurt anyone around me!. I would gladly die to help any one of them I care for them so much!. Is however suicide ever acceptable!? Think if you were the person, constantly tormented by unimagineable sadness that you were unable to escape!. Wouldnt you as a friend, despite the pain it would cause you for them to be gone, wouldnt you want them to not have to feel that!?

Which brings me to my second question, are humans intrinsically selfish in that they only care for themselves!?

PS!. I also have depression just to let you know!. Its hard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
“Suicide is not chosen; it happens
when pain exceeds
resources for coping with pain!.”

That’s all it’s about!. You are not a bad person, or crazy, or weak, or flawed, because you feel suicidal!. It doesn’t even mean that you really want to die - it only means that you have more pain than you can cope with right now!. If I start piling weights on your shoulders, you will eventually collapse if I add enough weights!.!.!. no matter how much you want to remain standing!. Willpower has nothing to do with it!. Of course you would cheer yourself up, if you could!.
Don’t accept it if someone tells you, “that’s not enough to be suicidal about!.” There are many kinds of pain that may lead to suicide!. Whether or not the pain is bearable may differ from person to person!. What might be bearable to someone else, may not be bearable to you!. The point at which the pain becomes unbearable depends on what kinds of coping resources you have!. Individuals vary greatly in their capacity to withstand pain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't want to promote anything but I think suicide can be ok sometimes!. I wouldn't do it unless it was necessary though, but I wouldn't do it if I was depressed and didn't do it when I was depressed!. I wouldn't want a friend to feel pain but I would try to help them lessen it!. As for your second question, only some!. I call those people narcissists!. Everyone has charactoristics of them but some have MORE than others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as papu said “Suicide is not chosen; it happens
when pain exceeds
resources for coping with pain!.”
depends on the persons , after all pain only arises out of our desires , when our desires are not fulfilled we lose hope!. in extreme situations we take such steps!.
In a different situation we cannot judge suicide as cowardly act!. If a person is suffering for so long for an incurable disease , He Can suicideWww@QuestionHome@Com

Look up the words to the theme music from "MASH!." It's too easy, get yourself some help NOW!.

In my opinion the only acceptable time to entertain suicide is if you have multiple diagnoses of terminal illness which involve great pain or you are going to be tortured to death by an enemy (almost the same thing)!.

You need medication, and there are some good anti depressants available now!. if you are acutely depressed electric shock treatment is quickest cure, followed by lithium carbonate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People with depression often think about suicide, They must remember that help is there for them and suicide in this situation is not justified, as the reason they are thinking about this course of action is clouded because of the depression!. And what they think is a hopeless situation is in reality not hopeless at all, So no suicide should not be a consideration a visit to a doctor is all that is needed!. Having said that Suicide in some other very extreme situations may be a reasonable option, also remember suicide is very final and can not be undoneWww@QuestionHome@Com

Im gonna say no because if one will commit suicide what will happen to their loved ones!? I had a friend who committed suicide, her loved ones just broke down!. Any death is a tragedy but to know that the person committed suicide gets you thinking and asking questions like Did he/she think about he/she loved ones!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know how your feeling about this i was the same but no suicide is never the anwser because of all the crap life throws at yougood will soon come and i know its hard to believe but it will happen if you commit suicide you just let everyones thoughts about you true prove them wrong stand up because years from now expecially if your in high school u will never see them again so **** them live your life just be you!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To quote you;

'I would gladly die to help any one of them I care for them so much'

If for some reason that involved suicide, surely you have answered your own question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not okay!. suicide is synonymous to cowardice, selfishnessWww@QuestionHome@Com

certainly not!. this is because it will be THE END!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say no!. But I don't know what people go through when depressed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course,not! you will go to hell if you gonna do thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

it is never okWww@QuestionHome@Com

I had an aunt who was in a car accident when she was 29!. Her skull was fractured, both arms broke, one leg broke and one with the nerves severed, her back was broken and she had multiple rib fractures!. She was in a coma for 3 months and was told she would never walk again!. She proved the doctors wrong by walking within a year of the accident!. But she was never out of pain and there wasn't a year passed that she didn't have to have multiple surgeries!. For several years following the accident she would be talking to you and just pass out! No heartbeat, no blood pressure!. But she was able to be revived!. They doctors went in finally to see what they could find and she had several rib fragments that were touching her heart and this is what caused her to pass out!.

She finally took her own life when she was 40!. She said she had enough pain and enough operations to last a lifetime and that she no longer wanted to live!. She had three children, all teenagers, when she committed suicide and I believe it affecteed them more than it did the rest of our family!. We all understood why she just couldn't go on any longer!.

So is suicide ever okay!? I think so, in a case like my aunt's!. Or when somebody has some incurable illness and will suffer endlessly because of it!.

I do not believe that suicide is intinsically selfish when so much pain is involved!. I, too, suffer from clinical depression and did not understand how devastating it is until you experience it yourself!. Some people may have "the blues" for a few days at a time, but clinical depression is all consuming and nobody can understand how it affects you unless they have had to deal with it on a daily basis themselves!. There are days that it's all I can do to crawl out of bed and take myself to work!.

Hope I've answered your questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

gotta love the people that tell you you are going to hell if you do that, well if that's case hope to see you then there, in the meantime if someone is suffering so much and so badly and explored every possible option for relief from their pain and misery and suffering and there just isn't anything out there then yeah I don't see why not, it's your life to do with, I would say that is if you don't have god in your life then it is, me personally I can live and die just fine without a god in my life, sorry, your first answerer just kinda agitated me and my thoughts on a philosophical question, and yeah I know living with depression is a very difficult thing to do, oh and for your second question I would say alot of us are but not everone isWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are times that I would consider it to be OK but only if the person was in physical pain or in a condition which made their life unbearable!. Depression doesn't really cut it as an excuse for me as only weak people kill themselves because their parents are divorced and their girlfriend dumped them!. If you are so focused on your own life that you can't see the suffering of others or the suffering that you will cause then I have no sympathy!.

I'm not going to post my entire past on the Internet but I can tell you that I've been through enough to know about it!. I've also had three people I know take their lives!. After watching families torn apart and people suffer due to the act of one I have no sympathy!. But what do you want!? Surely you would rather that people don't care at all like me as if a person kills themselves now I would show little emotion whereas a person who cares would be deeply effected and may follow with their death shortly afterwards!.!.!.!.!.and yes, I have seen that happen too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I understand what you say!. Me I would prefer no-one going for suicide!. Anyway, I know depression and yes, this drives sometimes to wish to escape from this world (and suicide seems to be the only way to do it)!. I think the wrong perception is the following: one who really goes for suicide, thinks "I do not want to live anymore"!. The fact is actually that he/she !.!.!. STILL HAVE TO START LIVING!!! So, maybe suicide average will decrease when poeple instead of thinking "I want stop living" will start thinking "I want to stop be dead"!. Eventually: it just has to do with a changing of perspective!. Dear: I WISH YOU INNER JOY (AND THEN, OUTER JOY)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

first of all i am so sorry to hear that you are upset =(
just consider this:
a) no, unless you are dying of a terminal illness, suicide as a way to escape emotional pain, no matter how intense, is NEVER ok!. it has nothing to do with being weak or cowardly as it does the way it affects the people around you!. i've had friends who have attempted/committed suicide, and it absolutely tore me apart!. i swear to God it destroyed me and I will never be the same person again because i am so deeply wounded by what they did!. i forgive them because i understand what was going through their minds at the time, but that still doesn't make it ok at all!. there is always a solution to what you are going through that isn't so permanent, so final!. once you kill yourself, that's IT!. you think you have no hope now!.!.!.once you are dead, there really is no hope of anything ever getting better because you are gone!. your friends would NEVER want that fate for you; they want you to have the best!. they want you to get help, reach out to them, and give yourself a second chance at life!.
b) no it's definitely not true that human's are completely selfish!. if they were, it wouldn't hurt them so much when they lose someone to suicide!. and it's not just because of their own loss!. i have helped so many of those friends through their difficult times because i feel for them so much and genuinely want to help them!. also, when people kill themselves, they aren't necessarily bring selfish because the last thing they are intending is to hurt someone!. in fact, they barely have any concrete intentions at all because they are in such an irrational state of mind!. they truly aren't thinking clearly!. i would know!. i used to be suicidal!. the psycology of suicide has no comprehension of what is right or what is wrong or selfish- only what will help end the emotional distress!.
please please PLEASE don't just end it all!. that would be such a terrible tragedy!. i implore you to keep fighting, get help, and LIVE!. there is always hope!. people always care!. there is always a tomorrow to make things better, if only you will allow yourself to be there to greet it!. even if you don't want to, I want you to stay strong!. really badly!. it's important to me that you do something to make things better!. i truly mean that!. i can tell you from personal experience that it DOES get better!. so hang in there!. please!. i wish you all the best of luck from the bottom of my heart!.
it's gonna be alright!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com