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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is the ability to think independently any essential 21st sentury skill?

Question: Why is the ability to think independently any essential 21st sentury skill!?
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Thinking independently and being free from fear of any judgements other than from God is essential now as much as it was in the Garden of Eden!. Waiting for others to tell you what your opinion should be without ever considering for yourself what you really think is as dangerous as being a selfimportant know it all who is sure there are only two points of view, theirs and the wrong one!.
In the aftermath of 9/11/2001 many Americans were ready to believe Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction!. The U!.S!. Military had Osama Bin Laden in their sights but the Bush family feud with Saddam that started in the 1980's over an oil deal diverted our troops and put many in harm,s way in a new Veitnam!.
Everyday I don't have to wear a bhurka unless I decide it is a good choice for sunscreen that day I thank American servicepersons who put themselve in the line of fire!. Most Americans are blissfully ignorant of the tyrant who killed Benizir Bhutto in Pakistan who sponsored the Taliban in it's infancy!. Many probably don't know what the Taliban is anymore!.
Critical thinking, objective judgement based on accurate information and the constant search for knowledge is the backbone of the technological age we of the western world enjoy!. Without independent thinkers from every age, Hippocrates-Buddha-Christ-Luther-Susan B Anthony to infinity the names, we would have died as a species long ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually the ability to follow will be more considering thats what has been done in the past!. Lets face it nobody has (i mean the general overall) thats why a few people who actually do things that aren't that amazing if you do it to, are considered "amazing"!. For the most part more people are just waiting for technology (thats the example) rather than race to make it then show off!. On average most people don't know how anything they use works thats electronic other than give it electricity or a fuel sorce and it goes!. Independtly thinking will help the generation that heals the wounds and makes new ones!.
Those think indepently will do what they need, for the most keep to themselves!. Hypothetically, would you jump if I told you the secret to cure cancer has been know for 20 years, aids 10, and living up and past 150 has been around for atleast 30 years!? The smart people aren't expanding things!. They are setting limits on all science that way we don't completely screw up earth, more than what has been done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you think independently, you will make a misstep (one not taken by 1000 people before you,) and end up labeled a unsatisfactory person and sent to a gulag!.

Thinking independently in the 21st century is probably fatal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because nowaday we are so easily being brain washed by our media!. We are so used to the quote 'seeing is believing' and not aware that what we are seeing in our madia now not necessary be the true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

think for yourself or someone will think for you removing any chance of being an individual with the power of self determination, essentially becoming a puppet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Independent thought has always been an essential skill!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't want anyone to think for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com