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Question: An open-ended question!.!.!?
What do you think is wrong with the world today!? In detail, please!. I'm not looking for "materialism," yes, I agree, but what about it!? Nor am I looking for "lack of god!." Please, elaborate!. I want to know what you truly think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
what is wrong with the world today is the selfishness and the fact that people are less connected to each other than they were when they lived miles apart and their only choices for contact was a letter or going in person!. we connect to each other less personally and there fore do not completely understand what is going on in the world nor to most people care!. also the freedoms that Americans once had are slowly being taken away all in the name of safety!. everyone knows that with freedoms comes the responsibility to use them wisely and with concern for other's freedoms!. in this day and age we have forgotten what it is to be free!. what it is to feel the weight of our own decisions on our shoulders!. we hide behind our government and let them rule unchecked and even go along with what we know is wrong and against even our own constitution!. we need to rise up and take responsibility for ourselves and take back the freedoms we have lost before they are totally gone!. when they are gone it will be impossible to get them back with out blood shed which should be avoided if possible!. i do not condone violence!. but the world does need to reconnect and unite in a way that returns us all to the prosperity that was once common!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People are lazy, as long as things are going pretty smooth in their day to day lives then they remain content and don't work to fix a problem unless it effects them directly!.
I guess you have to disrupt most peoples lives before they will even consider that there might be a problem that needs to be addressed!.
Nobody holds the government accountable, they complain but nobody does anything about it no one takes action!.
I am not sure how to fix this problem, I want to get my education first and then I will start thinking about how to change this problem with people not caring enough to do anything about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think the world could be better!. wars and fights just make everything suck!. littering, drugs, alcohol, ciggaretes, i heard if people keep all this up and keep doing this to their bodies, in 600!.5 years a natural human being will be the size of an ant!. this world is screwed up and we need more laws, better presidents, and people who can knock some sense into others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

EGO!. Most people are only interested in them selves, what they want, and pleasing themselves!.

They want the best jobs, the best shoes, dresses, hair, etc!. It's never about anyone other than themselves!.

Very few people are in the world any more who are genuinely about others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People can't think of really creative questions!.

They just keep asking:
"What's wrong with the world!?"
"What is the meaning of Life"
"How can I be happy!?"
"What is wrong with me!?"

answer: Lack of imagination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People are sinners by nature!. We have made a mess of a beautiful world because of our self-centeredness and pride!. People need to repent and follow the Lord!.
Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, Romans 10:13, John 3:16Www@QuestionHome@Com

Human are not designed to live peacefully together!. If can be proved by human history!. Therefore it is not about right or wrong of this world, is about how we seize the day to make our live become more meaningful for others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The people who are in power is what is wrong with the world today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com