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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can 'atheism is not faith based' apply to those who are already aware of

Question: Can 'atheism is not faith based' apply to those who are already aware of the god concept!?
Babies dont know this 'god' concept, because of that, they are born atheists!. If this god thing was never introduced in their life, they will stay as an atheist because they have no idea about it!. But when the babies grow up and become aware of that, they will assume one of the following: god exists, god doesnt exist, i dont care!. Because the concept is introduced, they will automatically assume without any supporting evidence: either god does exist or not(notice there are honestly no evidence of god or nonexistence of god whatsoever) or stay in an agnostic position(i dont care)!. Coming up with solution with incomplete equation is called faith, if the equation is perfect that is not faith!. Notice that the 'equation' here means evidence!.

If this is so, why do some atheists say that atheism is not faith based at least to them!? The concept has been introduced, the fact that the concept being introduced will automatically equal faith to them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is a good question and actually a well-known philosophical controversy!.

1) You are right, that as soon as someone needs to make a decision about whether he believes in a god or not, i!.e!. as soon as he learns about the concept of god, he is forced to acquire some "kind of faith"!.

The controversy is about the term "faith"!. The word can be used to describe ANY notion of believing or not-believing!. However, this definition leads to exactly the problem you encountered!. While people believing e!.g!. in the Christian god have a complex "system of belief and faith", the so-called faith of an atheist is reduced to just that: To not belief!.

I reckon that using the same term for both concepts is misleading!. The only similarity of the concepts is that both notions are based on "what you assume to be true", but the intensity and complexity is totally different!.

Do you believe in Russels teapot or in the existence of invisible pink unicorns (IPU)!? Now that I talked about IPU, you probably just got to be a disbeliever in IPU!. But compared to a group of fervant IPU believers, who created a complex concept of sexual orgies, death rites, eternal pleasures and the central justification to burn cats alive around their faith in IPU, you "faith" is almost nothing: You just do not believe in IPU and that's it!.

Do you feel the difference in the both concepts that can be both called "faith"!?

2) If you take reason and evidence as basis for your perspective of the world, then there will be several issues that you cannot decide, because the evidence is not conclusive!. You have to acquire a position in which you know arguments pro and contra and still have to say: I do no know!. Most scientists are atheists in hte sense of "negative agnostics": They know it cannot be decided, but the evidence (more or less softly) points into one direction!. They are not led by faith, but by reason!. They do not believe, they are just sceptic!. This is a major difference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From a godbeliever's point of view, atheism might still fall into the same category of surrender as "faith!." After all, the atheist trades in a definite lack of knowledge for the certainty of belief, just as the godbeliever does!. Whether or not you call it faith, though, depends on how you value rationality!. An atheist always values reason above any kind of intuition, so you're never going to hear one admit to "faith" because it implies irrationality!. Atheism is rationality based, while god-belief is based on some other kind of satisfaction, and is irrational!. I think that's the distinction being made by saying atheism isn't faith-based!. I hope your atheists aren't missing your point, though!.!.!. it's good for an atheist to appreciate the limits of reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sorry to be picky but you opening line is in error! you say 'Babies dont know this 'god' concept, because of that, they are born atheists!
If they 'DON!?T KNOW' then the are in fact Agnostic! by definition!. (which mean no knowledge or Don't Know, and not Don't care! there is a subtle difference, though it many be that as they don't know they don't care, but that is not a certain result of not knowing!!!

When talking about evidence we now are looking at something which involves some degree of knowledge, therefore here enters the Gnostic, at least in part (meaning Knowing, and may or may not included 'Caring')

However after my intro, I will now focus on the root of your question, which is I believe!.

"If this is so, why do some atheists say that atheism is not faith based at least to them!?"
This in fact does have a little Irony, as to believe that something is not (for without proof, there is only supposition, which is a form of belief without proof) the they in fact are trusting their supposition and it then follows that they have faith in that supposition!

The only true answer which I can give then is that I suppose they themselves do not know the meaning of the term they are using, which in some way makes them Agnostic!
Though the Banner which they have chosen is that of the Atheist!.
But we should always be careful of absolutes, especially when studying generic human mind conditions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It absolutely CANNOT! Atheism IS ABSOLUTELY "FAITH BASED"! You are completely correct! There is NO "proof" as to EITHER the existence OR the non-existence of GOD!.
Because there is no proof, a "DECISION" to believe or not to believe IS "FAITH"!. You can check my profile and see all my answers and my questions!. I primarily answer in R&S!. I am a Christian by CHOICE!. What you are trying to expose here is so elementary! I am CONSTANTLY amazed and disappointed that people DON'T GET IT!.
Now an atheist and an agnostic is FINISHED with any mental work!. They have made a decision that requires no more!.
But if even Christians can't get this, the MOST BASIC concept, how can their reasoning in their beliefs be relied upon by anyone!.
What a refreshing pause from the illogical realm of R&S!.
THANK YOU for this question!
If you remain this logical you will become as disliked as I am in R&S!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dont worry ca co -phony old guards never like to release the reign to some body else !? While people spent their lives professing some blasted dogmas will ever change!. Their brain is housed in the skull and the skull is housed in a Greek metal helmet!. They consciously subscribe to foolism because the religion says never to raise questions on Gods words but to do as you are dictated to do!. Accept primitive and archaic stories as Gods word and where did God find time to write such voluminous texts!.!. these are just the works of ancient statesman and society leader s which the theist are bent upon proving as gods word and put forward voluminous texts as proof which it self is controversial and unacceptable!. They are so cooked idiots that they advance proofs from the Bible it self which is rejected and is a subject of controversy !! OOps no way either ,what other proof they can give because they spent their damned lives readin some primitive stories and didnt have the time and brain to to think of other things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wiki defines Atheism, as an explicit position, either affirms the nonexistence of gods or rejects theism!. When defined more broadly, atheism is the absence of belief in deities,
Back to your question "why do some atheists say that atheism is not faith based at least to them!? I would say it is based on no faith not the opposite, in your argument you try to negate the negative to make it positive!. you already stated that Babies don't know this 'god' concept; so that is the answer to your question,
Faith, God or call it what you want does not exist until someone introduces the concept, if not then with your definition you will remain atheist without even the need to base your atheism on any thing!.
Edit: I clearly understood your (statement) and was trying to use your logic in this argument no more!. Your argument however was flawed from the first sentence, Atheism is an action (check the definition) not inaction, babies are not capable of taking action they are passive beings thus they can not be classified as atheists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you're right, except for two things!. 1st)there are no atheists, 2nd) Man unborn is the most religious person

1st) There are no atheists, because even the people called so don't believe in an almighty Spirit religious people believe in, they have made Gods out of sth else (par 2nd will tell you why)!. Some may look up to money, or sex, or fame, or you get the point!. And of course, Voltaire before dying said "He who does not believe in God, when he sees His existence everywhere, is an idiot"!. So there!.

2nd) Man has need of a God, a something to believe in!. It's in his genes, his mind, I don't know!. Hence all the stuff made Gods, in ancient times, like storm, thunder, etc!. So even embryos have their God, and I think since their minds are pure and virgin, that they have the right God, whatever beliefs may be instilled to them later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com