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Question: Why do people Hate !?
i mean isn't it much easier to love than to hate!? we can all live peacefully and in harmony, plus the energy used to express hate ages you faster, destroys, its bad for us and nature!. its bad for humanity, we derive from nature and contain life, and the heavy energy that hate contains destroys relationships, trust, and worse, its a domino effect because people out there are so ignorant to know that the devil wants them to be destroyed so the devil makes hate look attractable because when you hate back you give out Fear, which is a quick-powerful response to the other not to mess with him!. so the devil via hate control the people like puppets on a string, and abuses over the weak and blind who don't know what harm hate can do back!.!.!.!.life is so precious, its full of beauty, love, and wisdom!. death is the representation of suffering, hate, and no hope of happinessWww@QuestionHome@Com

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You wrote this so eloquently!. People hate out of ignorance, jealousy or to make themselves feel superior and they are usually feeling inadequate!. People hate things or people who are different and people hate from how they were raised!. They weren't born that way!. Children learn what they live!. People also hate because they have never been shown love!. They hate because they don't understand others or don't even try!. People hate what they don't understand!. People often times hate themselves From the beginning of Genesis when Adam and Eve allowed the devil to tempt them and go against God!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.hate began as humans were given choices!. They either obeyed God and loved Him or disobeyed as they obeyed Satan!. It was their choice!. I believe this is exactly where hate began because it began with Satan!.
Death can be sad for the one who is doomed to Hell, but for us believers, we don't fear death when we know our Lord and accept Him as our Savior!. We love Him because He gave His life for us so that we may be able to enter the Kingdom of heaven!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.which is a beautiful and awesome place to look forward to spending an eternity in and being with our Lord!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it takes a lot of enegy to hate but it also takes a lot of energy to love!. It takes hard work to live in harmony, to understand each other, to learn to live together and compromise!. You should be asking why people are so indifferent to the suffering in the world, the starving millions, the environments being wiped out that in turn are leading to endangered species, pollution etc, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People hate, when they have been mistreated (in any way) by a person!. When the feelings of love, respect had been taken over by disgust for the perpetrator!.

People also hate when others do not reciprocate their love!.
People also hate when their love to others have been returned or have been stopped, ended by the other side!.

People hate when the flow between the persons no longer has the element of Love in it!.

Some wrongdoings are so great it really takes a really long time to for-give!. And all the more when it is committed by a birth parent you reach out to for love and trust!.

it takes an enormous quantity of love to for-give the trespasser who had barged into our boundaries of peace!.

hence, hate is easier for loving is the work of saints!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely better to Love than hate!. Sometimes its easier to give in to the strong passion of hate because it can make a person feel bold, righteous, better than someone else!. But hate really boils down to misunderstandings, fear, negativity, intolerance, ignorance and unfortunately, does have the domino effect of making everything and everyone around worse off!.
If only we would all Choose to Love there would be trust, understanding, peace, paradise here on earth!. It was meant to be that way and hopefully will be someday!.!.!.if we keep trying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its not about whats easy, its about balance!.

hate is a strong form of energy, hate also gives you passion to dig deep in the unknown!. it doesnt matter if you love or hate, what matters is just the feeling!.

theres always 2 sides of the issue my friend, there will always be 2 worlds!. yin and yang, it keeps the world in order!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree when sumbdy talked about jealousy, which comes from insecurity!.
People hate when they loose confidence in themselves and are sacred of their desired postion slipping into others hand!.
As human beings, we want everythng- love, money, status!.!.!.(the list is endless)!. We may have enough of these to be happy and love others, but we always want more!.
And when we see somebody else has any of these things more than us, we feel jealous and that gives birth to hatred!.

Its so sad!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hating increases endorphins, hence it is addictive!. Hatred also reduces certain kinds of tension!.
People need better examples in order to rise above such incentives!.
"Emotions: Transforming Anger, Fear and Pain," Marilyn Barrick, Ph!.D!.
"Awakening Love," Drs!. Demetry and Clonts!.
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes holding the grudge and getting revenge makes them happy and seeing the others suffer!. They just get caught up and it becomes and obsession!.
But i rekon its just a poison that corrupts you and you lose sight of the things that really make you happy and that count!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most people are so overcome with their own sense of insecurities that it finds an outlet in hate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When there is no hate, Where is the fun right!? In every animal on this planet including us human- we need to hate at some point eventhough this went out fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you !. It does seem much easier to love than to hate!. Negative forces are always there, but we can choose to overlook them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ppl hate when they are scared or they dont understand or jealious!. with some ppl it is easier to hate then to open ur heart up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love cannot be made very easily!. Hate can be made within a second!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People hate when jelousy overcomes their self being!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because being happy all the time is not sane!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with u, i think people hate coz they focus too much on people rather than ideas!. we'd stop hating each other if we didn't focus so much on each otherWww@QuestionHome@Com

hate is what people have when they lack loveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because people can only judge wrong or right and can't see every persons point of view!. To love every person you first have to understand every persons thinking which is impossible!. We are all segregated into our own groups of understanding and dislike those that we cannot understand!. The human race could be taught to ignore that which they fail to understand and be apathetic towards groups which they disagree with instead of hating them but love for every person would be impossible!. We teach from an early age right and wrong and the need to understand the world around us which creates animosity in later life!. Once people learn that there is little that distinguishes good and bad they may start to comprehend others actions!. It's far easier to judge and hate another than admit your own inadequacies in comprehending cultural groups!.Www@QuestionHome@Com