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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you be jealous and happy for someone at the same time?

Question: Can you be jealous and happy for someone at the same time!?
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Oh my god, Andy ;-( You will make me cry!. I don't know who you are, I don't know how you look like, all I know is that if we ever get a real chance, I won't hesitate!. You are aDóRAble!.

Oh, Shay!.!.!.: ( If she is not the woman I should marry, then who!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If someone has something that you consider desirable, you'll naturally be happy for them!. At the same time, jealousy is a natural emotion if someone has something that you want for yourself!. So yes, both emotions at the same time is a possibility!.

If you're experiencing both, I recommend focusing on being happy for the person and then letting your jealousy motivate you to work toward achieving the same thing for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, in that the two are innately both unstable energies and forces; either, a starkest of energy and so can therewith coexist!. For the mass of the one can as readily consume the space afforded by the other, neither colliding, and which the two are ever in a state of vexations to avail a miss, not countering as much as complementing and complimenting; and so, the McWilliams Law thus carries, even to this, even as applies to expressions common to human beings!.

And is it not so much the jealous or the happy occurring in tandem that imports, but the grounding and seed first of all that founded either or both, and which stability otherwise underpins the very stability that renders such coexistence impossible at the outset!.

But in any case the superimposition of the two, say, cohabitating would be an ideal phenomenon and not rare, more common occurring than not in human beings: as surely as there exists these two in cohort, rest assured again there operates still other sets of twin forces with equal implication and which vie equally for position whose force and directions do resolve to cross-purposes with all other sets!.

Saddening to observe is the one who is beset with a bounty of this sort of configuration!. A little of it is normal, yes, and is allowed; but too great occurrence of this event bodes poorly for the one whose heart and mind are otherwise centered, each unto itself, thus broad of compass, yielding the personage whose ways are stable and which carry well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!.!.!. But I am working on it!.
When ever I feel that twinge of jealousy stirring up, I immediately start praying!.!.!. I pray for whoever i'm jealous of and I thank the Lord for blessing me and to help get it out of my system!. Then i'm fine and I am always happy for the person!. I just have to wait until i'm next in line!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I think you can!. Jealousy is usually just wanting what someone else has, so I think it would be possible to be happy for them having it at the same time!. I hate jealousy!.!.!.it's an awful emotion that I think we all encounter throughout our lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


jealousy isnt hatred!.!.!.its a yearning for something that you WANT but dont have!.

I am jealous of my friend because she is pregnant!.!.!.!.I can not get pregnant and so I am VERY jealous of her!.!.!.!.I'm still thrilled to death for her and support her and will always be and do so!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah!.!. i don't know if you're talking about dating, but one of my really good friends was just asked out by this new guy in our school!. He's perfect!.!. cute, funny, and actually nice!. I'm happy she has a good boyfriend but I'm still pretty jealous he likes her so much :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

To be honest, i feel happy when a poor or socially uncapable person gets some sort of " justice" or when i feed a street dog, feels emotional & i'm jealous of some "celebrities"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, we can't!. Happiness never goes together with jealousy, which is the strongest
antidote to happiness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. In real life, I know that Dóra is going to marry someone else!. I'd be jealous, but happy for her!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course you can !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah emotions can come more than one at a time!. so why not those two!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

*hangs head *whispers!.!.!.yes!. I hate Spring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com