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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is modern life so damn boring?

Question: Why is modern life so damn boring!?
Is this why fiction is such insanely popular!? Life to me just seems very boring!. The highlights of modern life is owning a nice house and fancy car, getting a decent education and job, then retiring and dying!. Where is the adventure!? This is why to me I read many books, watch movies, and play games!. To me real life is just a boring dull existence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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You say you like books, so here is one that will explain why it is that we are bored!. "Gospel Enigma" 10th free eBook here: http://newfreebooks!.com

Your observation is right on target!. Buddha said the same thing about his life as part of a royal family!.!.!. and Jesus said that the Prodigal Son was "dead" and is alive once again!.

So your reference to living a boring life for a while and then dying is EXACTLY right!. And this is the state of mind that leads a person to seek that which is hidden!.!.!. the divine eternal soul that we really are!.

Excellent, you said it perfectly!.!.!. and don't take this as an attempt to convert anybody!. It is just some assurance that those who have been respected for their thinking agree with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything in the material Universe is relative,human emotion and our perception of happiness,sadness,boredom and achievment is relative!.In a way,no matter how many good things happen to you,your level of happiness and unhappiness will stay in an equilibrium,just to how it was before that achievment!.

But you might say that the nice house,car and education is dull,but some kid in Sub Sahran Africa is going on a huge adventure for those things,thats their goal!.But once they reach it,for a while they will be grateful,and then!.!.!.!.it's nothing special,it's just normal!.

So where is the adventure!?We all have our personal goals and aspirations,many focused on religion!.It actually should be focused on religion!.Some people say that like books,religion is something to show that there something greater then whats already on Earth!.But religion is WAY more than that!.It's the process of getting connected with the central source of all that exists,and finding that salvation!.!.!.!.that 'real' happiness (God),thats the real adventure,and the happiness of achieving that is something that will never get dull,ever!.Finding purpose in one's life is something that never makes you dull!.

And finding salvation for your soul could be personal!.But it's also cool to have a goal that everyone in society contributes to!.Something that 'humans could pass socializing time with',and thats improving the world for everyone else,or human exploration of the Universe,agriculture,what the world is already doing (but screwing up badly)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You likely live in the middle class of one of the most powerful countries in the world!. You likely have had numerous opportunities to do a wide variety of things!.

If you haven't taken advantage of these opportunities, you have only yourself to blame!. Stop reading books, watching movies, and playing games and go do something!.

I am actually seriously considering joining the Peace Corps!. I have my application mostly filled out and am looking to go to southeast Africa (particularly Madagascar or Mozambique!.)

Similar opportunities exist for nearly all middle class Americans and cost no money!. Opportunities to not just actually live life, but to help people (and really, I think the two go together!.) If you just have a bacheor's degree, you can get a job teaching English in most countries around the world!.

Our society teaches us that the key to happiness is material wealth and private luxury!. The people who buy that usually find that life passed them by!. Of course there are far worse fates, but in terms of wasted opportunities, it is really tragic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's how I feel aboot life; depression clouds the happiness I would feel (which I've grown to feel a sense of comfort in; feeling happy and calm feels so hollow, leaves me wanting the sorrow) and thinking aboot it and life's meaning, life is pointless, ends in your (and life's) inevitable nonexistence!.

It's because we are able to escape the mundane routines and experience more, experience bits of exhiliration (a bittersweet gift); once we know of this exhiliration and feel how little our lives are filled with, we long for more!. Such as a drug, once you experience the high, your body knows of this high and becomes addicted, needing more to feel that same exhiliration!. Do you see the connection!? We remember that moment of elation we can feel for minute and our lives don't have that same elation, so we miss it and want more (a bittersweet gift indeed, one of the reasons life is a hollow venture; of course, knowledge and nostalgia supercedes ignorance and happiness; such is the one the principles of my resentment towards religion)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have a negative outlook prespective on life and you should live in the moment and not plan so much and change hobbies instead of reading or watching movies Go out to a park and ride your bike or Go to near place for a camp out!.Get wild and creative just be safe!.Take up painting or something that you have not done yet!.
You should be glad for the little things in life that most of us LIKE myself don't have and I guess you can't buying happiness if your a boring person!.
I'm rich in the heart but I remain NOT BORING!.I go hunting/hiking biking and use the commputer at the public libaury and ride the bike to work instead of a car!.I can't afford gas prices and I'm in good health and great shape and VERY HAPPY!.Something you should do not seek is your own happiness!.I'm living life by the moment and taking risks!.2 months I will be investing in motorcycle and take a road trip and see the yellowstone and red rock canyon!.And is not even my vaction yet! All this to say!.!.Life happens,when we are doing nothing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that there is much more to life than getting a job and becoming rich!.
You go do such things as hang out with friends, do some crazy stunts like skydiving, going out to places such as a theme park or the beach!.
There are many sports and clubs to join!.

Maybe its just you, you should try changing some things in your life, like your daily routine!.(If you have one) You could also look for a relationship, that might change your view on life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are many who would love to jump into your shoes, because their lives are insanely filled with such hardships "just to stay alive"!.

Try volunteering!. Real life can give you the best thrills than some video games, or books, and make believe!.

Learn a new skill!. Devote you life into something bigger than you, leave a legacy so someone will remember you when you are gone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wild animals never get bored
i think we are living an ARTIFICIAL life, full of fictitious needs:
- fancy cars, TV and movies, electronic games
and our society compels us to BUY them

and we are so accustomed and influenced that we feel dull and void if he do not HAVE

the dilemma still is "to HAVE or to BE" (i endorse the latter)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that once you can grasp that little bit of happiness, life is no longer boring!. When you stumble upon love, you wake up every day, eager to see the people you love!. An undescribable pleasure, that is completely worth waiting out the boring in your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is it! You must have been born too early to find modern life boring!. How long has it been since you had a serious talk with yourself!? Perhaps you have too much time with almost nothing to fill it up with!. Get busy in serious occupations and modern life will start smiling at you again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dunno, but I'm gunna get a good job that I find interesting and I enjoy and I am definitely going to travel the world! I have already travelled quite a few countries, and am going travelling for a year soon!. More people need to learn to enjoy life!Www@QuestionHome@Com

not just modern life, life is bored, but it is also exiting, life is everything you fell every ******* single day because you are alive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ive been pondering the same question!. Happiness is something we will all continuously strive for!. Some will find it, some may not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My life was boring before I became a Christian almost 30 years ago!. It's been pretty exciting since then!. You never know where the Lord will lead you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As cliche as it sounds: Life is what YOU make it!. So don't blame anyone else if you find life boring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you feel that way, change your life!. Find something you really want to achieve or experience and go do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's only boring because you won't step outside your comfort zone and see what else is out there!.!. believe me if life being boring is your biggest problem you're one of the lucky ones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good point!. I agree with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because we, the working class are slaves, and we have been told that dreams cannot be fullfilled!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com