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Position:Home>Philosophy> Revision sites for AS Philosophy?

Question: Revision sites for AS Philosophy!?
Hi I'm taking my Philosphy AS exam this Friday and was wondering if anyone knew any good sites with information of:

Descarte's Meditations
Philosophy of Religion
Theory Of Knowledge!.

This would be of great help!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Heey me too!
I've been looking on the internet for AS level philosophy revision sites etc but so far no luck!!

You could try www!.thestudentroom!.co!.uk though, there are loads of notes on there in the form of word documents, but you have to be a member of the forum!.!.!.

What about your text books and notes!? I find that swallowing them really helps with the exams!

I was also reading examiner's comments, and one of the problems they said they saw in last year's paper was that pupils didn't know enough about the actual text they were being examined on, because that's what the exam is specifically looking for in the mark scheme! So basically just make sure you're reading through the text as well as extra notes!! I should've done that earlier actually, but it's too late to regret it now!.!.!. :-s

Good luck !!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com