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Position:Home>Philosophy> How many of you sometimes get drunk to make life nicer or because they feel &quo

Question: How many of you sometimes get drunk to make life nicer or because they feel "that they've earned it"!.
Sometimes when I feel down or when I had a really crappy week, I just like to unwind and get drunk!. I'm not going out or anything!. I just watch a good movie while I eat junk food and get really drunk!. After that I just go to bed and sleep it off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you really want to unwind and de-stress, meditation and yoga are the way to go!.
In Western society we miss this!. So we use substance to give the illusion of relaxation!. But, your body is being stressed and poisoned!. If ingesting substance to elicit a state of relaxation is the way to do it, then why not do heroin!? With any substance, you are becoming dependent on an external force and not your own internal abilities to have ultimate relaxation and peace!.

We can never find peace through a bottle or a pill!.

I know what you are saying, I have done that but as you get older your body tells you how damaging alcohol is you your body and that this is the worst and most futile way to cope with stress!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a friend that did just what your saying,but it got to a point where he was drinking an awlful amount ,well his health suffered and he was gettting on age wise too!.!.told him that he needed to stop the drinking,he was drinking too many units a day!. Well he found he was unable to go to sleep without a drink to unwind,make a long story short he,ended up finding other ways to unwind at the end of the day,and is healthier for it,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmmm!.!.!.sounds like your trying to escape to me!.
That's what I used to do for a long time!.!.!.self-abused myself!.!.!.didnt face anything head-on!.!.!.ran from my fears and worries!.
I like the answer you got about meditation and yoga!.!.!.very effective!!
Face your demons, whatever they are!.!.!.the solutions are in the "problems"!.
Hope this helps!.


drinking when you are down or depressed is a sign of alcoholism, especially drinking alone to the point of getting drunk!. You might have a problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just doesn't make any sense to me!. Why would I want to do something that could make me SICK to feel BETTER!? Why would I take a known DEPRESSIVE when I am feeling down!?I have much more fun sober than I ever did when I drank!. I'll pass!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Getting drunk to make life nicer is not good!. I mean maybe once in a while, but not like every time something is bad!. You have to learn to deal with your problems, not avoid them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alcohol is not the answer to your quest for peace and tranquility!.!.!.many have tried and died!. You must look deeper for the truth than the bottom of a bottle!.!.!.alto I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com